
3 Things (I feel barfy edition)

1. I am constantly nauseated lately. I think it is the medication that I just went back on, and I am sure it is temporary- but I refuse to look up the indicated side effects because I WILL convince myself that I have all of them, and I really prefer to just wonder if that's what I am feeling...this is a benefit in the weight loss department- so I'll take it!

2. Last night was our 5 year wedding anniversary and my h made it really special- year 5 was our best yet. years 1-3 were good, but year 4 was terrible. I look forward to evaluating a few more before I make any definitive call on the marriage.

3. I miss you guys, and lurk all the time, but it is pretty dull over here!

Re: 3 Things (I feel barfy edition)

  • ok- now is the time when you reply with YOUR 3 things...geeze.
  • I can't believe I have to sit here and coach you asholes. I'm not your mother- now get to it!
  • Loading the player...
  • is it geeze or jeeze? I feel like they both look wrong.
  • 1.  Happy

    2.  Anni-

    3.  versary!!

  • Happy Anniversary!  I'm too tired to come up with 3 things. 

  • imageBrideofranken:
    is it geeze or jeeze? I feel like they both look wrong.

    Well, it's certainly not "geese," like a certain Nestie thinks.

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • Do you want some of my zofran?

    - I'm trying to liven it up around here, but there are only so many idiots.  We need some fresh idiot blood.

    - I bought a concession size stand box of kit kats at Sam's Club today.  YUMMY.

    - I also bought 4 new books.  I can't wait until 2 weeks from now when I can start reading all my new books.  WOOT.

    - BONUS: I am desperate to buy the new MAC Lady Gaga version of Viva Glam lipstick.  Where's misses to tell me I need to donate money to the po' instead.

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  • 1. I wish I could keep my house as picked up and as I did before kids.  Sick of picking up the same crap day after day. 

    2. MH has been working 3rd shift lately and I've had way more sex with my vibrator than I care to admit. 

    3. I have just recently joined a gym-which I swore I'd never do bc of people's gym grossness.  I am proving my fears right as I cannot stand the sight of men in tank tops with sweat dripping off their pit hair (as 1 example) but I've discovered that my love to work out knows no bounds.  

    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I'll always play because it's easy.

    1. I was without my 14 month old yesterday and had the BEST day.  I felt guilty for the first half of the day, but then decided to just enjoy myself.
    2. My BFF's son, who is now 9 months old, has had the worst sleep of his life this week, and secretly, I'm enjoying it.  I know that makes me a bad friend, but I have terrible sleepers, and I don't think you can appreciate a good sleeper until you know what a bad one is like.
    3. I did an overhead squat yesterday with 52lbs of weight above my head.  It's a record for me.  It's so geeky, but I'm really liking this weight lifting.
  • dude- I get so grossed out at the gym every day- EVERY DAY there is someone who offends my delicate constitution!
  • 1. Ben is totally awake upstairs--I can hear him on the monitor babbling away--and I am ignoring it because I JUST sat down after shoveling with a bag of Sour Cream and Cheddar Ruffles and I don't want to deal with the poop I am sure is in his diaper.

    2. I was dairy-free for 10 months and weaned Ben a week ago today.  Since then, I have literally vomited because of my cheese overdosing.  Also, my boob started killing me TODAY, a week later. WTF is that about?!

    3. I bought a new pair of designer jeans, washed them, and now they don't fit right.  So annoying.

  • 1. My ds was sooo constipated last night that he threw up.  He was writhing in his bed for hours in pain but wouldn't drink the Pedialax/juice drink I made him.  While all of this was going on, dh was at the Suns game with the boys.  It sucked.

    2. Going to Flemings tonight with friends for dinner at 5:00.  Yes, 5 pm.  Guess we are having the Early Bird Special.

    3. I had a nice, healthy salad for lunch and then polished off the Doritos and for dessert, a Reece's cup.  I'm not a good dieter.

  • Hey Wellfleet- I just weaned, too- and a week later got a terribly sore boob- I iced and heated it and massaged it (which HURT!!!) but it was almost totally better the next day- I think it was a clogged duct- which I guess is common in weaning-but I didn't realize it until someomne here pointed it out.)

    Good luck!


  • 1. I haven't left my house (beyond the driveway) since last Thursday night and am about to lose myfuckingmind. This is because we've got three feet of snow on the ground that will be with us until at least April.

    2. After my "cheeks" post last night, I'm thinking of giving Cullen to the homeless, as they too, need fat, baby cheeks in their lives. But, in reality, I'm ready to pawn him off b/c he won't let anyone but me hold him and is sleeping like crap. What better way to get back at the homeless, kwim?

    3. We filed our taxes today and are getting a pretty significant refund, which is shocking considering the amount of money we make. Thank God for an eleventy billion dollor house and two kids for write offs.


    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • Goose, let's take our refunds and go shopping together.  We're getting about $5k back.  I think that's good enough for a shopping extravaganza!

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  • imageeclaires:

    Goose, let's take our refunds and go shopping together.  We're getting about $5k back.  I think that's good enough for a shopping extravaganza!

    Sounds good to me. We're getting $15,959 back!

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • imageGoose51504:

    Goose, let's take our refunds and go shopping together.  We're getting about $5k back.  I think that's good enough for a shopping extravaganza!

    Sounds good to me. We're getting $15,959 back!

    DUDE, you can take me shopping!  LOL.

    Actually we would probably get a lot more back, but the hubs puts like a zillion exemptions down - he'd rather pay than get money.  Didn't quite work out this year.

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  • 1. The homeless and poor posts today are killing me.

    2. I can't wait until I take a shower tomorrow. One more freaking day of this horrendous crap.

    3. I ate Oreos for dinner last night.

  • In a good way or bad way, Dai? 

    And yum, oreos.

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  • Oh very good way! I need to laugh this week!
  • I figured, LOL.  I just wanted to make sure.  :)
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