
ugh. . . we are supposed to get snow on Friday

I know, totally not a big deal to all of you that already have a ton.  I'm from the midwest so I know how to deal with it.  However, I now live in the south.  They can't drive in rain much less snow.  Oh, and even a threat of bad weather will get school cancelled.  As it looks now it is supposed to start tomorrow night.  DH has to work a high school basketball game an hour away tomorrow so hopefully it won't start until after he gets home.  Also means school will probably be cancelled Friday.  That means I will have to go back after Memorial Day.  We were supposed to be done before that :(  Really didn't want to do that.  That is our only option since we don't have many weather days (1-2 and already had them) built into the school calendar. 
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