you're silly...the only reason you can't afford it is because you've been giving too much to charity lately. time to cut them out of your life....they are toxic to your Coach budget.
you're silly...the only reason you can't afford it is because you've been giving too much to charity lately. time to cut them out of your life....they are toxic to your Coach budget.
You are so right. And there's that putting food on my kid's plate, too. WHAT am I thinking??!! where are my priorities?!! damn it!
Re: Well, damnit. Now I want a freaking Coach purse.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Thanks! I go in tomorrow for the first follicle check. Those ovaries better be raging. I am so over this!
I specifically said I buy purses to donate to the homeless, so she obviously does not meet my criteria!
Isn't that green one FABULOUS?
I want like five new purses right now. Maybe I can steal some money from the poor and get them.
You are so right. And there's that putting food on my kid's plate, too. WHAT am I thinking??!! where are my priorities?!! damn it!