
Leaving the pre-k visits up to my DH

So, I've been posting a lot lately about pre-k options for DS #2. MY DH and I work opposite shifts, so he is doing a lot of the leg work when it comes to calling places and finding out info. I don't have a lot of sick time to take, so I'm pretty much leaving it up to him to go on visits. I have a list of questions and I will go back to the places he thinks are the best. Bad mom? I just figure he is here with DS#2 while the older one is at school and he likes to keep busy.

The 2 programs I am interested are around $560 for 5 days from 8:00-4. I think this is a good price. We have never paid for childcare, so I have no idea what the price range is. Is this a good price? 


Re: Leaving the pre-k visits up to my DH

  • We are trying to get my DD into a FT PreK program through open enrolling in a different school district.  It is a fee based program.  It would be $904 a month and is actually year round so she would start at the end of Aug this year and go through mid Aug the next year.  It includes breakfast, lunch and a snack  and the hours that they are there are 6:45a to 6pm.  It is run by the same group that does the K-6 before and after school and summer programs and they also do a kindergarten program for the kids that don't get into the full day kindergarten. 
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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