
When did you/will you stop using baby monitor?

Just curious when people stop using their baby monitors...thanks!  
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Re: When did you/will you stop using baby monitor?

  • My girls turn three in less than a week and we're *still* using a baby monitor.  =)

    In our house, you can't hear anything upstairs when you're in the basement (where our family room is), so we like to have the monitor when we're down there - particularly because Charlotte is prone to night terrors.   We generally don't use it while we're sleeping because the girls can get out of their beds and tell us if something is wrong, but we'll still use it if we think it might be a rough night for them (e.g., if one of them is sick). 

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  • With our singleton we stopped about 9 months old, because ours broke. Our rooms are all right next to each other and we sleep with the door open. I noticed that once it broke, we all started sleeping a bit better. So I never replaced it. With the twins, I am contemplating not getting one at all. There is no where in our 1000 sq ft house that you can't hear. It was nice for setting in the backyard window while I sat in the backyard once in a while. But I may just pick one up at a garage sale for that.
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  • We don't use it unless they are sick and want to hear them breathing.  We probably stopped about 4 months ago, but our room is right next door to theirs so we hear everything anyway.


  • Ours are 15 months and we still use them. We don't need it at night since our room is right next to theirs and we can hear everything. But when we're down in the basement after they go to sleep, we still use it.

  • My girls are almost three and we technically still use them.
  • My neice is about 2 and my SIL is still using theirs.
  • I'm still using mine w/ my DD.  Once the twins come, we'll move the video monitor to their room and just use audio w/ DD.  I'm thinking we'll use it until she's out of her crib. 
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  • We still use our but only at night while I'm sleeping. I am such a deep sleeper I need it on so I can hear them cry in the morning, otherwise I'd sleep right through it! They're my alarm clock!

  • we still use it sometimes.  not usually when we're awake and they're sleeping because the only thing we'd go in their room for would be loud crying and we can hear that without the monitor - we only use it on a very very low volume at night to be able to hear when they wake up in the morning so we know what time they got up to time naps etc.  we probably could do without it but it doesn't bother us, they don't have white noise or anything so most of the time no sound at all comes out of it.
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  • griffin is almost 3 and we still use the angelcare monitor on him - we like knowing if he's in his bed (if he gets out the alarm will sound) and it's also nice to know he's breathing --- esp with the recent loss of a toddler on the toddler board (the child passed in the middle of the night) it just gives us reassurance and lets us sleep better.

    Dh jokes that we'll use it until they are 18 :)  Seriously- we probably will use for a long time- until at least when Griffin is fully potty trained - we'll stop when he might be getting up at night to go potty - so the alarm doesn't sound.

  • I didn't and still don't use a monitor for my twin boys.  They sleep in the same room and it is down the hall from our room, but I am a light sleeper and can and do hear them if they cry.

    My DD who is almost 3 has a monitor because she is quiet and I can't hear her get out of bed, but we only have it on when we are downstairs in the back room.

    I didn't want to get one for the boys, because with my DD every little sound she made, I went in.  I didn't realize that she could cry for a sec or two and then go back to sleep.

    I think that I made her the horrible sleeper she still is today.

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