
What is something that makes you happy?

Or things. Whatever.

Me: Know I'm off for the next two days. Woot!

Watching Amarah dance and sing to Michael Jackson songs.

Almost being done with some woodworking projects. (You know I'll AW them).

My friends who *get* me, especially the ones I've known all my life and am still close to.

The sun is out and the sky is a brilliant blue. Does wonders for my depression.


Re: What is something that makes you happy?

  • A Vanilla latte

    New episodes of HIMYM

    My kids playing together at the end of the day, which seems to be the only time they can just play and not fight.

    Old country songs

    Vintage Fire King dishes and bakeware

  • Mornings with my son. We snuggle for at least 30-40 minutes in the morning on my bed. Makes me woozy.

     My husband is freaking hilarious and makes me laugh non stop. And it makes me happy that he embraces me AND my farts. As we are a package deal.

    I am super happy when I first sit down at my computer in the mornings with my coffee.

     Buying something new. Clothes, shoes, house stuff, really anything. I get a shopping high each time.

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  • Listening to my son's full-on belly laugh.  Oh my goodness, it's so . . . SINCERE and honest, oh I just love it!

    Seeing him with my husband.  They are such buddies, and he's Dave's little clone, it's adorable.

    A sunny day.  Whether it's warm, cold, chilly, whatever, seeing a brilliantly sunny day just fills my heart.

    Being a teacher.  Sometimes I think about the impact I have on these kids and it's staggering.  I can think of no other job as fulfilling that I could do. (I realize there are others that are fulfilling, but for example I could never be a nurse because I don't have the stomach for it!).

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