Two Under 2

Kids with same month birthdays

My daughters will be 2 years 8 days apart. I know this may sound crazy but if you have kids born the same month how do you do their birthdays?

When my oldest daughter turns 3 her sister will be turning 1 the next week.. Do you have separate parties?

Crazy I know but I have them thinking about this recently.



Re: Kids with same month birthdays

  • I hate to tell ya, but I think you definitely need to have separate parties for both children.  You'd have separate parties if their birthdays were 6 months this shouldn't be any different.  I mean, I guess when they're little you could combine them, but as the older one gets more independent/in school/making friends, etc, you want them to not feel like they're "stuck" having a party with the little one.

    You could always have the older one's party the weekend BEFORE her birthday, and the younger one's the weekend AFTER her birthday, so that it would spread out the parties some?

  • laurenbug thanks for the great advise!
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  • imagelaurenbug:

    I hate to tell ya, but I think you definitely need to have separate parties for both children.  You'd have separate parties if their birthdays were 6 months this shouldn't be any different.  I mean, I guess when they're little you could combine them, but as the older one gets more independent/in school/making friends, etc, you want them to not feel like they're "stuck" having a party with the little one.

    You could always have the older one's party the weekend BEFORE her birthday, and the younger one's the weekend AFTER her birthday, so that it would spread out the parties some?

    ITA with this... haven't gotten there yet but I may try this!  Def separate parties, though, unless the girls really want a shared one, maybe when they're older?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I think this can go either way and really depends on your kids.  If you are talking about a family only type of party than I think 1 party is fine but I would do 2 smaller cakes so they can each have their own.  If you are talking friends - than 2 parties for sure.  One thing my mom did for years with my sis and bro who are 2 years apart to the day is to have the party at the same time but in different parts of the house (one in the basement and one upstairs for example) and than when it was time for cake, everyone came to the same room but they still had 2 cakes - 2 themes and all that jazz.  My niece and nephew are a few days apart and my SIL always did their friend parties separate so one was one weekend and the other the next.  It was a lot of work but I think its really important on the friends part - family only is totally different.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • I think I will combine for family birthday parties.  Once they are 4 or five, I'll let them have parties with their friends seperately.  Then it can be whatever theme they want. 
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageariel06:
    I think I will combine for family birthday parties.  Once they are 4 or five, I'll let them have parties with their friends seperately.  Then it can be whatever theme they want. 

    I agree completely! 

    I would not want to go to two parties for two siblings that are that close.

  • I'm going to be in the same boat -- 2 July babies. I think we'll combine for family parties and have one big summer cookout/bash at the end of July every year. 

    But once they get older, they can have separate friend parties doing whatever they'd like to do, so that they can individual parties, too.  

    Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
  • I will have 3 in March - this is my plan - one big family party, 3 individual friends parties.  We probably won't do the friends parties until they start school and they will be limited on the number of friends they can have and what the activities are.  I won't be able to afford to do 3 bowling parties with 30 kids at each 3 weeks in a row.

  • I would do separate parties.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • My sister and I are four days less than two years apart.  We ALWAYS had our family parties together.  Can you imagine people traveling two weekends in a row and having to cook and prepare for two weekends in a row?  Forget it!  We each had our own cake and we agreed on a theme (strawberry shortcake, etc.)  Our birthdays are in the summer so we each got to bring a friend to the fair with us for our birthday and a few times we each had a friend or two sleep over to do somethng special.  My sister and I are really close so it worked well for us.
  • we will probably do one family party and 2 separate friend parties
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