
I just have to get this out there..

Dear MIL,

If I ask if you are hungry just tell me you are. I know you eat. You are not by any means a small gal (nor are you large) but I know that you need calories.

So when I ask if you are hungry and you tell me "NO". I assume that you will eat with us later...

Later as in our next meal...


Later as in you don't wish to eat anything..


so when I find that all the lunch meat and cheese is gone (after buying it yesterday) I will assume that you ate it and not the magical fat girl trolls stealing food at midnight.. You know because your son hates lunch meat as well as your grand kids.


Just want to put that out there. I could care less if you ate everything in the fridge if you gave me a heads up. Like hey we are gonna need some lunch meat because I got the munchies.


Yours truly

Daughter In law sitting in the corner eating ramen noodles because all the sandwich stuff disappeared.

Re: I just have to get this out there..

  • Mmmmmm, ramen.  I highly recommend the "mama" brand.
  • I am not a fan of passive aggressive in any form, but when it takes the form of eating my food I lose my patience fairly quickly.
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  • Super annoying!!
  • mmmmm I love lunch meat
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  • I always find the food/eating thing weird with house guests.  What's with that?

  • I'm not a sandwich kind of person but how could she have eaten ALL of the lunch stuff since you bought it yesterday?  Did she eat it without bread?  Is she on Atkins by chance?  lol
  • imagejoseysbride:

    I always find the food/eating thing weird with house guests.  What's with that?


    I had a roommate when I was younger that was a skinny fat girl vegan and I SWEAR to KRISHNA that she binge ate at  night when everyone was sleeping.

    I think it is because FIL has food issues that they literally have nothing in the house except what they grow and the occasional random crap.. so she is BINGE eating.

  • how much did you buy?!!!  How could she have eaten all of it?!  that's just weird!
  • Hmmm, I actually AM a fat girl troll who sneaks food out at midnight. Embarrassed
  • Maybe enough meat for 3-4 sandwiches.. not big sandwiches just like 12 slices and 1/2 lb of provolone.

    crisitiana.. I ate cookie crisp at 2:30am for 4 weeks everynight when I was pregnant with Miles!!

  • sooooo weird!  Like, really.  How can a person eat that much lunch meat and cheese.  I would be bloated beyond belief. 
  • imagecristiana:
    Hmmm, I actually AM a fat girl troll who sneaks food out at midnight. Embarrassed

    Oh, I totally eat junk food the evenings my husband goes to the gym.  There is something so wrong about that. Smile  I don't really do that any other time.  It's like the minute he walks out the door, I get the munchies.  LOL!

  • Maybe she's not comfortable with you preparing food for her.  Maybe she'd rather fend for herself. 
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