Two Under 2

Sharing a room - advice please!

i'm hoping to have ours share a room - although, our daughter is a little champion sleeper so i'm nervous about screwing that up!  but we have no choice, we're in a 2 bdrm :)  so....advice?  what's this baby crack machine deal? like a sleep sheep? how soon can i put #2 in with #1?  i don't do so well sleeping with baby in our room (or at least i didn't the first time around) - she got booted to her own bedroom at 3 weeks old and did great.  but i'm worried that i can't really put #2 who will likely be waking up every 2 hours in with #1 who is sleeping soundly?  thoughts!

Re: Sharing a room - advice please!

  • We had the baby in our room in a bassinet until about 3 months, when he was waking up 2-3 times a night and generally going to bed at the same time as the 2-year-old.  Hasn't been a problem at all - the older child does not wake up even when he does at night - she's pretty much immune to his crying. :-)
  • Our girls will be sharing rooms until they get older and want their own rooms. My mom lives with us for know and uses the 3rd bedroom. We are planning on moving Z to a big girl bed and Sade will take over her crib.

    Hopefully that will take place when Sade is 3 months until than she will be in our room.

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