
Has your child ever complained of a headache?

Last night my son woke up in the middle of the night and was freaked because his dad wasn't home. Anyway, I brought him in bed w/ me and noticed he was tossing and turning a lot. I asked if he was okay and he said his head hurt (a few inches above one ear). He asked me to push on it and said that made it feel a little better. He finally went back to sleep and seems fine today.

Is it normal for a 4 year old to get a headache once in a while or should I be worried? Yeah, I am a total worry wart, I know...

  ~~~Big brother 11.29.05 & Little Brother 6.18.09~~~  

Re: Has your child ever complained of a headache?

  • yep.  usually sinuses with DD.
  • Mine got a headache last time he had a cold. But the spot he said hurt was right above his eyes so I assumed it was a sinus headache. It went away with the cold.
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  • My 4 year old DD has said it a few times.  But I never know if she is serious or not. Sometimes I think she just hears us say it.  I say this because she will be acting normal and playing and I just get the impression that she is just saying it. I am normally a worrier as well!
  • Its not normal for young kids to get headaches.  A few reasons for them could be vision issues (needing glasses) or a sinus infection.  My older DD was complaining of headaches last spring and we went through a round of tests with her ped and eye doc (perfect vision) only to discover she had a bad sinus infection deep in her sinus that didn't show up in the normal in office tests.  Her neurologists (she was born with a brain injury but is totally fine) did a CAT scan which is how we found out.  She would complain every night, it was right over her eyes and lasted about a month before we got to the bottom of it.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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