I had b/g twins on October 5th of 2009. I feel like I constantly run out of things to do. They don;t sit up yet so they are mostly on their backs on their play mats looking at swingy things.I do throw in some tummy time but that doesn't last long. They hate the Bumbo and I can only hold each of them for so long as I have to split myself in two.
I am told that they are getting enough stimulation just by being in the world but I feel like I might be missing something that will keep them occupied and happy.
I would appreciate hearing from other twin moms on what their day looks like. Thank you in advance.
Re: What do you do on any given day?
I also did a lot of book reading. I would also put them both in boppy pillows and then hold up pictures they could see...like black and white or bold contrasting colors. This seemed to make them smile and get excited. I was also told/reassured that independent play and observation is very important.