TTC after 35

Hi, I am new here!

Hi Everyone,

Well a little bit about myself, I am 35 and DH is 37, we have been married almost 3 years, and we are trying for a baby.  I have been on BC pills for 20 years (wow, it does not seem that long) and we have decided that once I finish this pack, no more.  I have had the leep procedure done in the past, where they took our my inner cervix, has anyone had this done, and what/if any complications can I expect from the procedure.  I am really scared, I don't know the first thing about being a parent.  I don't plan on charting, we are spiritual people and feel like it is meant to be then it will happen.  I kow I must start with the pre-natal vitamins, and really take better care of myself, is there anything else you can tell me that I should be doing.  I can't wait to "meet" you ladies, and share  in your experiences. 

Re: Hi, I am new here!

  • Hi and welcome. Just be prepared that your cycles after coming off bc might be crazy for a few months. I'd just try and track what you can. If you want to chart that might give you a lot of info also opk's are helpful too. Good luck to you.
  • Never had the LEEP procedure and have only used birth control as part of my IVF protocol but I just wanted to say Welcome!!
    2009: 1st IVF began 12/29, cancelled due to OHSS; 1st full IVF began 2/10 ER 2/27 ET 3/4 BFN 3/13; IVF #2 began 5/23 ER 6/4 ET 6/9 BFP 6/18 Lost our baby on 9/12. 2010: IVF #3 (w/PGD) began 2/1 ER: 2/15 ET: 2/20 BFN 3/1; Took a break for hernia surgery and recovery; IVF #4 (w/PGD) began 6/30 ER 7/13 ET 7/18 BFN 7/27; IVF #5 began 10/23 ER 11/5 ET 11/10 Low Pos 11/19 BFN 11/22; Took a break: got a 2nd opinion,changed insurance,chose a new RE,and recharged emotionally. 2011: "Back-to-Back" IUIs on 6/4, 6/6, and 6/7 BFN on 6/21. "Back-to-Back" IUIs on 7/3 & 7/5 BFN on 7/19. "Back-to-Back" IUIs on 7/30, 8/1 & 8/2...the journey continues into 2012 with three more IVFs and 6 more looking at IVF with donor egg Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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  • Hi and welcome.

    I see your comments about charting. I do really recommend it usually, because knowing when you are ovulating is a key part of the ttc process. Up to you of course, but if you do not want to chart and you aren't pg in a few months, at the very least, try some OPKs. I have seen many people find out later than they'd like that they have no idea when they ovulate -  and have been missing the window for months.

    It can take months for your body to regulate after coming off BC, so be prepared for a few wacky cycles.

    Also, highly recommend reading the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility.

    GL to you!

  • Hi and welcome!  The ladies on here are sooo nice and helpful.  I also have not started charting and have decided to let things take their course.  I came off the pills after 20 years as well, in December 2009.  My first cycle was fine, but this next one is taking longer to get here so it can be a confusing time!  
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  • Welcome!!  I totally second what CathyMD said in her response to you.


    Best of luck! :)

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