Hi Everyone,
Well a little bit about myself, I am 35 and DH is 37, we have been married almost 3 years, and we are trying for a baby. I have been on BC pills for 20 years (wow, it does not seem that long) and we have decided that once I finish this pack, no more. I have had the leep procedure done in the past, where they took our my inner cervix, has anyone had this done, and what/if any complications can I expect from the procedure. I am really scared, I don't know the first thing about being a parent. I don't plan on charting, we are spiritual people and feel like it is meant to be then it will happen. I kow I must start with the pre-natal vitamins, and really take better care of myself, is there anything else you can tell me that I should be doing. I can't wait to "meet" you ladies, and share in your experiences.
Re: Hi, I am new here!
Hi and welcome.
I see your comments about charting. I do really recommend it usually, because knowing when you are ovulating is a key part of the ttc process. Up to you of course, but if you do not want to chart and you aren't pg in a few months, at the very least, try some OPKs. I have seen many people find out later than they'd like that they have no idea when they ovulate - and have been missing the window for months.
It can take months for your body to regulate after coming off BC, so be prepared for a few wacky cycles.
Also, highly recommend reading the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility.
GL to you!
Welcome!! I totally second what CathyMD said in her response to you.
Best of luck!