
Favorite book on parenting twins?

Is there a great multiple parenting book that you MoMs would recommend?
7/2009 - Gonal-F cycle #2 with Ovidrel trigger and IUI #5 - BFP! Twin boys born at 38 weeks 3 days! 8 months later...spontaneous BFP! And twins again! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Favorite book on parenting twins?

  • I am currently reading Ready or Not Here We Come (by E. Lyons) and it's a good read. I read Twin Sense but would just call it ok/fair. And another that I'm reading is BabyWise (not specific to multiples but so many on the board follow the routine this book suggests that I thought I'd dig more into it and see for myself)


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  • I just finished ready or not here we come and I loved it! I couldn't put it down. It's a fun read with a lot of good information.
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  • "ready or not" and "Twin Set" were my favorites - gave the most practical info (as a 2nd/3rd time mom I knew what was realistic and not).... and i liked that they didn't say one way was best- but gave lots of examples of how to do things.... and were both funny.
  • I just ordered my next crop of twin books.  All the ones I had were about pregnancy and the logistics of the first year. Now I'm onto actual parenting books.  I got:

    Raising Twins: What Parents Want to Know (And What Twins Want to Tell Them)

    Emotionally Healthy Twins: A New Philosophy for Parenting Two Unique Children

    Raising Twins After the First Year: Everything You Need to Know About Bringing Up Twins - from Toddlers to Preteens

    Ready or Not . . . There We Go!: The REAL Experts' Guide to the Toddler Years with Twins

    After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
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