My boys only get their paccis in bed for naps and sleep. They stay in the bed. How do I work on ditching them all together? When do I work on ditching them all together?
Tonight we tried to put them to bed without them and it was a big fat fail. They played then they cried. We let them go for a little bit but then gave in. As soon as the pacci was in their mouths they laid down grabbed their blankies and were out cold.
Re: Ditching the pacci help
My two only get them at bedtime and naptime too. They love them and I don't see us even trying to get them to quit any time soon. I figured I'd wait closer to 15 months when they can emotionally deal with it better (aka reason with a 15 month old, lol!)
I plan to do the cut the tip off thing. First night you cut just a tiny bit off the tip, then a couple days later you cut a little more, then keep cutting every couple days until it's down to nothing and there's nothing left to suck on. Then they won't even want it anymore.
Another thing I've heard is to have a family member - Grandma. Come over at bedtime while you and your husband go out. Have her not give it to them cold turkey and let them cry. Don't go home until they are sleeping.
I know people who have done both and it's worked. Let me know what you do and how it goes.
we let Griffin keep his paci until about a month ago - he turns 3 in march. I saw no reason to take it away since it was only used at bedtime (and naps at home, not daycare)... he has no other "lovie" and sleeps very well- so to me, it was not doing any damage.
we didn't want him to have it past 3 y/o though, so we started talking up the paci fairy a couple months ago- about how she'll come and take his pacis and leave a BIG present --- when he was ready.
we started to look at catalogs (fisher price sends them) and he picked out a big toy (Batman's cave) that he wished she'd bring him- so we ordered it - and when he was ready one night- we had him put all his pacis in a bowl and we left it for her --- and she left the present. He was THRILLED.
I wouldn't do that with a younger child though- he's just old enough to "get it" and understood what was happening- that the pacis would be gone forever if he did this- and he was OK about it. Once or twice after he said he missed his pacis- but he said he's a big boy and doesn't need them now. He's been 100% fine with it- sleeping fine, etc.
give them more time - it's not going to harm them if only using it for bed.