And pretty soon, I'm going to eat it. Maybe not all of it, but at least two pieces. And I've had two glasses of wine. I'll probably be up most of the night with the Croup Kid, but that's okay. It'll be worth it, right?!
You have chocolate and wine? Can I come to your house? DH & I drank the last drop of wine we had in the house last night and I could really use a glass right now.
Sorry about the croup though
Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
Re: I was stressed, so I made a flourless choc cake
You have chocolate and wine? Can I come to your house? DH & I drank the last drop of wine we had in the house last night and I could really use a glass right now.
Sorry about the croup though
Oh yum. All we have for chocolate is sugar free choc. pudding. Ugh.
Sorry about the sick kiddo.:-(