Anyone's LOs have a strawberry (hemagaenom--sp?). My DD didn't have any at birth but by 3w old, a small, flat red line appeared on her left forearm and the back of her neck on teh left side.
They are now raised/red/puffy. At their 3 mo. checkup, the pedi referred her to a specialist for hamagaenomas in NYC. She is concerned that since they are both growing rapidly and on the same side of the body, they may be an indicator for INTERNAL hemagaenomas
Anyone else heard of this?? Of course, the thought of DD needing surgery for removing them internally scares the sh*T out of me. We go to NYC this Fri. for our appt.
Re: strawberry Birthmarks?
My DD had one on her head. I don't ever recall her having it in the hospital - I'd have to ask DH. But it was round and raised. It was annoying b/c everyone would ask about it. I think strangers thought I hit her or something. Anyway...she'll be 2 next month, it's totally flat now and has faded considerably.
We never had to go to any specialists or had any issues with it.
Sometimes multiple clustered hemangiomas can mean that you are only seeing the "tips of the iceberg" - that there is actually one large hemangioma internally. This is concerning because a lot of the baby's blood volume can be contained in the hemangioma and it can be bleed or "steal" blood from other parts of the body.
Two hemangiomas on the neck and forearm are unlikely to indicate a large internal hemangioma - I think they are just being cautious. But if they are independently fast-growing, that is cause to watch them more closely and possible get an MRI to delineate just how much is below the surface of each one. There are also some other conditions that are associated with multiple hemangiomas and they will probably check your DD out for these, although they are rare.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, nothing needs to be done and they get smaller in time. You are right, a few children do need surgery, but right now it seems like the chances of your child needing surgery are small.
I'm sure this is so nervewracking for you. Good luck with the appt on Friday and let us know how it goes.