stomped your feet and raise your voice at your kids. Well I did and have before. I am so tired, DS2 threw up at 2:30 this morning and I didn't get back to sleep until 5:00. They both fell asleep in the car less than 10 mintues from home so now they aren't tired. All I want is a nap!!!!!!!!!! And Dh is out of town until Saturday. grrrrrrrr
Re: Have you ever....
Am going through very similar situation, DH out of town, four year old is sick, two year old isn't but beyond crazy active, lack of sleep, etc...I HATE CAR NAPS! Why does a ten minute nap in the car mean no other nap is needed?!?!
Hang in there. I am trying to. :-)
ETA: OH MI GAWD! Didn't notice you were also pregnant on top of everything else. Cannot even imagine! When your son feels better, can you get out and get a little time to yourself? Good luck.