sorry if this is a dumb Q but....
can babies ride in a cab (lap? infant carrier?) if so, do they need to have the bases strapped into the cab seats or can you just starp down the carriers with a seat belt?
I have to take one of my DDs to a specialist in NYC and it's a long walk from the train station. So I was seeing if I could cab it to the hospital or if I'd have to just walk it with the stroller?
Re: Cab rides?
Same in Chicago. They don't have to be in a car seat. Cab drivers will recommend that you have them in a Bjorn or other carrier. It is easy enough to use the infant carrier w/o the base though, especially if you will be brining the stroller along too (like a travel system or snap n go). There should be instructions on your particular seat w/ how to use it w/o a base, you use the seat belt.