DH and I are currently TTC#2. DS is Miles Alister. I love talking about names, so I run names by DH all the time. We both decided, a long time ago, that we like Julian. I think it "matches" Miles well. Sometimes, however, I feel it may be too feminine for a boy. Other times I think it has the possibility of being a strong name. We'd probably use a strong Irish/Scottish middle name.
I can come up with a ton of Irish/Scottish boy names I like, but DH doesn't like any of them. When I asked DH for other suggestions he came up with Kaiser and Macio (not even a name!). Ummm....no thanks!
So, I guess my question is, what are your thoughts on Julian? Too feminine? Does it go well with Miles? What would you use for a MN for it? Other suggestions? Thanks!
Re: Boy name Julian
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
Julian is our boy name!! (if we have a boy)
I absolutely love it! And DH (who is a "manly man" through and through) also loves it.
So we obviously don't think it's too feminine.
Love it - I dated 2 guys named Julian before I met DH and there was nothing feminine about either of them.
I do know that the one did not like his name much though. He thought it too feminine.
I absolutely love the name Julian (and I love the nn Jules), but it's not even on the short list for boys for us - why? Because I think it's a bit wussy.
So wussy in fact that I IM'd my DH about it yesterday seeing what he'd think about using it for a girl (most women on my side of the family have names that are traditionally given to boys).
I love Julian for a boy and it's on our list.
We have a Milo, so close to Miles, and I think they sound really nice together.