how long did you wait before having the second? our son is 4 months old and I would love to start trying again. we don't use any protection but we are not trying either.
We started trying again when my son was 8 months old and I was pregnant the first try so he just turned 9 months. They will be 17 months apart. My son is now just turning 12 months and I am SO glad I have another 4 months before baby number 2 because this is a tough age (and a great one) so on one hand i can't imagine taking care of an infant right now because my son needs me so much. I can tell he is just starting to become more independant and in 4 months it will hopefully be a good transition.
We probably wouldn't have waited until DS was 10 months, but I was scared because I had a c/s and wanted to make sure there was more time. They will be 19 months apart.
Re: how long