New Jersey Babies

is it true that the higher chances of mischarge are....

when you get pg right from coming off the pill?

Re: is it true that the higher chances of mischarge are....

  • no
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers So far we've done: Clomid Challenge/HSG/SA 1 Unmedicated IUI 2 Clomid IUIs 2 Femara IUIs 1 injectable IUI -2nd Femara IUI resulted in a CP (Beta was 16) -Another CP in May. (Beta 19 Prog 13) -Ectopic Pg - (Beta 27, 67, 430, 850) - methotrexate shot & biopsy -Forced 3 month Break 1/4/10 - Uterine septum removed by Hysteroscopy 1/18/10 - Told I have inflammation in uterus. 6 weeks of antibiotics. 2/27/10 - Another confirmed ectopic. 2 shots of methotrexate after an ER visit. Currently doing acupuncture and trying to lose weight. TTC since 3/07 -
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