
TMI: Question about yeast infection.

I have never had one so I dont know if it is one.  No pain, itching, burning etc but I do have the weird white discharge. (cottage cheese looking) 

My question is could it be a YI if I dont have any other symptoms other than the discharge?  

Either way Im calling my dr. tomorrow.  I hope they will see me tomorrow since Im off.   

Re: TMI: Question about yeast infection.

  • That might be a bacterial infection I have had both.  With my YI I get the discharge, itchy, and a (tmi) smell but with a bacterial infection it usually is a discharge and a bit of a smell.  Good luck if you have never had one you should be checked out
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  • #6#6 member
    Fingers crossed I can get in tomorrow.  Thanks.  I can only read so much on google.  Its just easier to ask.  :)  
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  • Yeah I know how it is.  BTW I can't use over the counter stuff for some reason so the dr prescribes me Terezol 7 for my YI
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  • I used to get a ton from being on antibiotics when I was younger for strept throat.  I don't recall ever having one without being horribly itchy.  I hope you can get in tomorrow.  If not, I would just get in to an urgent care.  I don't think I've ever gone to the doctor's for one.  I've just always know that it was what I had and bought Monistat.  However, since you've never had one before and don't have the typical symptoms, I'd definitely try to get in somewhere tomorrow.  If your doctor can't fit you in, maybe you could even go to an urgent care.
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