Do you have a favorite receipe? Can the dough be frozen?
I bought dough at Trader Joe's, but I did not like it very much (it was 100% whole wheat, which is just too "wheaty" for my pizza. I was thinking I could just make some myself. There are a zillion receipes for it, so I was looking for one someone has tried.
Re: Anyone make pizza crust?
I love this one but I don't know if you can freeze it.
And this sauce is awesome.
I don't have a recipe actually. I just throw 2 cups of warm water and yeast in a bowl, stir it slightly and let it sit 5 minutes. Then I add flour and knead it until it is all mixed and is at a good consistancy (fairly easy to handle but still a tiny bit sticky). Then I rub oil all over it (I just use corn oil). I cover it and let us sit until it about doubles (usually takes a couple of hours...depending on how warm your house is). I actually put it in a large Tupperware bowl with a lid and I cover it with a towel. Sometimes I put the over on and sit it on top of the stove (for the warmth). If I'm in a big hurry I'll wrap a beach towel around the whole bowl and put it in the over on "warm" for about 15 minutes and then turn the oven off. It really speeds up the process. I then just put it out on a cookie sheet (I guess they are actually called a jellyroll pan because they have sides) put I add a tiny bit more oil to the pan. I put my toppings on including the cheese and put the sauce over all of that. It takes about 30 minutes on 350 to bake. I always put the sauce on top of the other stuff and just smear it around a bit because then the cheese doesn't burn.
I've never tried freezing it. Not sure what it would do to the yeast. I'll have to google.