My appointment with the specialist was on Friday and both twins were growing perfect and the dr. had no issues with either of them, except a tiny calicum "buildup" on my little girls heart. She told us not to worry, it usually doesn't lead to anything as long as there were no other abnormalities.
I'm not too worried about it, because they told us it wasn't anything to worry about. But I was wondering if anyone else had this happen? What was the outcome?
Re: Question about Heart on U/S
What type of specialist did you see? Was it a perinatologist? Ask if you should/can get a referral to see a pediatric cardiologist for a fetal echocardiogram. The echocardiogram is pretty much a souped up u/s that focuses specifically on the heart development and function. They check to make sure all four ventricles are developing/have developed as they should and that the veins and arteries are doing their job taking blood away from and to the heart. They will likely check out both babies just to be certain.
We didn't have a calcium build up but baby B does have an extra bit of tissue between the top right and left ventricle. They did the echocardiogram and the cardiologist was able to determine that the rest of the heart is developing as it should and it functions normally. She said it will most likely correct itself when the child is born and that a lot of people have this type of abnormality, it's also called a heart murmur. I felt better after the cardiologist told us she didn't see anything of concern than
Good luck. I hope everything turns out OK.
Yep, I got this exact diagnosis for one of my boys. Sometimes the calcium buildup is just a tech/machine error due to shadowing. I was told that the baby had a higher risk of Down Syndrome, 1:1300, which is still very low. However my babies were born fine, no heart issues.
Try not to worry and good luck!!!