

It is starting to feel like Aiden will never come home. He has been having more desats and they did a chest X-ray that showed he has fluid around his lungs so we started lasiks again which caused some weight loss. His O2 has been boosted from 1/2 a liter to 1 1/2 liters.

We had a setback this week when he suddenly started having major A&B episodes again. Friday he had one that he had to be bagged to come out of. After that they decided to run tests again. They ran them earlier this week and everything came back normal. Well this time all his blood labs came back normal but his urine came back with bacteria so we have an infection. Started a 10 day course of antibiotics yesterday so now he is back on an IV. He was supposed to get his first bottle feed tomorrow but not anymore. I haven't even been able to do a non-nutrative feed yet and they normally start those at 32 weeks in our NICU.

Aiden is 4 weeks old tomorrow and just hit the 3 pound mark yesterday. I just wish he would grow out of all of this nonsense!!!

*sorry for the run on sentences 

A small start at 2lb 9oz, 60 day NICU stay, and 6 months of O2 My 30 weeker is growing up! <a href="

Re: Craptastic.

  • ((Hugs)) sweetie!  This is the norm of the damned NICU rollercoaster...thinking happy thoughts and saying a little prayer for Aiden...and your whole family.
  • I am so sorry that you are going through this! I know how you feel :( Jacob was doing so well and they were all ready to take off his monitors and he started with the A&Bs again! It is the hardest thing to think you are in the clear and then have a set back. But, no matter how we look at it we are one day closer to taking our little ones home.

    Thinking about you and Aiden.?

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  • So sorry that Aiden has had a few setbacks.  I remember that feeling that DD was NEVER going to come home.  It sucks.  Hopefully it won't be too much longer!
  • I'm sorry he is having a hard time with desats. Dylan had horrible desats and a&b's forever. He was on caffiene since he was about a week old and it didn't even make a difference. Around the 3 week mark I totally felt like you, the only thing keeping him there was the a&b's. I felt so defeated and didn't understand why he wasn't getting better, especially seeing all of the other babies born around the same time not having any issues with a&b's and getting discharged way before Dylan. But you know what? he DID get better and the desats and a&b's DID go away eventually. Just stay strong, he will get there, I promise.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm sorry he's having such a rough time but he will come home and the NICU will be a distant memory. My Cecilia was in the NICU for a month longer than her brother (89 days) and it killed me. It was awful. Her major setback was eating and it was so frustrating. But now she's almost two and driving me crazy at this moment because she won't nap. :)
  • I'm sorry...Campbell had an infection and it set her back as well. Hopefully as soon as he kicks it, he'll be better all around!
  • Aw, HUGS! Give him time, he is still pretty tiny and young. In a couple weeks, things will really click and move along. This too shall pass! HUGS!
    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

  • P.S. (Chandler voice here ~~~>) Could he BE any cuter?
    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

  • (((hugs))) I hope he's home with you very soon!
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