
Twins w/o stretch marks???maybe???

OK, I know this question is coming from just plain old vanity but I'm wondering if it's possible to grow two people w/o having also grown stretch marks. I'm 29 weeks and, knock on wood, nary a stretch mark. I'm pretty much the size a woman would be at 9 months with one kid...I know this bc we played that baby shower game where they guess my diameter and the girl who won the game just measured herself...her child is due any day now.

I guess the twin skin posts from a while back started making me think about it and each week I just wait for the marks. Don't get me wrong, my priority is big healthy babies and if that means stretch marks then fine by me but if I can have both that would be awesome.

Did any of you mommas make a couple of people and get by stretch-mark free?


Re: Twins w/o stretch marks???maybe???

  • I got a few on my left hip pretty early on, but nothing on my belly (or anywhere else) at all.

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I did but I delivered at 31 weeks 2 days.  Three days before giving birth I had a doctors app. and my belly measured as though I was 44 weeks with a singleton.  I don't know any other twin moms who did, though.  And as for the boobs, I didn't get stretch marks b/c I didn't get big boobs while pregnant, only when breastfeeding. 
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  • Not me! I've got the road map galore on my belly & hips, and proud of it... ah not lol. Also, you should know that stretch marks can occur after birth, too.

    It is possible that you'll get lucky & not have any at all (I know a couple of lucky twin moms who did not have a single line).

    In the meantime, it doesn't hurt to slather on some good old stretch mark cream or Bio Oil.

    Good luck!!

  • none here. pretty sure it;s all genetic/predisposition to them but i used cocoa butter just in casw:)
  • I didn't until 30ish weeks and was measuring 42 weeks, I think if there had just been one, I would have made it out clear. I think just the longevity of being that big is what did me in, then again I could be completely wrong. There are some MoMs on here that didn't get any so it is possible.
    Our Blog TTC since 10/2004 Follistim+Ovidril+Metformin=BFP on 12/8/08 2 heartbeats-12/30/08 Betas- 10DPO-104 12DPO-274 Photobucket Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I hear it's genetic...I haven't gotten one yet or any tummy skin issues.  I've been slathering on mama bee belly butter like made- I can't stand itchy skin.

    I got stretch marks in puberty they may be looming. My mom and sister didn't get any during their pregnancies- but those were also singletons...

  • I think I got lucky in that department. I didn't/don't have any and I carried my girls until 37 weeks. However, they did measure small. I agree that it is genetic.

  • I didn't have any during my pg....I did notice one though on my tummy AFTER I gave birth (darn!).I feel it was due to carrying them almost 39 wks (if you can imagine the belly size at that pt!) I had it confirmed last week at my dr. that I have abdominal separation so I feel that I can't complain for having one tiny str. mark considering my ab wall got destroyed!?!

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  • I don't have any yet and my belly measured 39 weeks at my last appt. I've been using Palmer's stretch mark lotion ever since I started to show.

    My mom never got any stretch marks and neither did her mom, so I'm also betting genetics are playing a role. But I can't imagine I'll escape a triplet pregnancy without them. We'll see what happens over the next 4-6 weeks!

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  • I got my first one about 2 weeks ago, and they've been exploding all over the place every since. I'm not happy about it. With my daughter, I got a little bit the last weekend I was pregnant, but it went away. I'm measuring now what I was at the end of that pregnancy.  But, good luck to you!
  • I delivered at 30w3d and had 0 stretch marks before delivery.  After pushing and delivery I ended up with 1 from my belly button down.  You can barely see it, but then again I delivered very early.


  • i didn't have any with my first pg -until AFTER i delivered --- so even if you make it to the end without them- don't be shocked if you seem them after.

    mine faded almost totally... then came back when i was pg with the twins- and now at almost 8mo are almost all faded again.

  • imageZaIrery:

    Not me! I've got the road map galore on my belly & hips

    Good luck!!


    ha ha this. with DS i got a few on my hips but at about 27 weeks i started getting them mad crazy on my tummy and no matter how much stretch mark cream i use, they keep getting worse :-( oh well, whatever it take for HUGE and HEALTHY babies! <3 

    <3 Mommy to Markhas Aiden 10-4-06 Born at 29 weeks & Spontaneous Twins, Mackayla Grace and Braylon Deion 3-12-10 Born at 36 weeks 1 day <3 <a href="" target="_blank">PhotobucketMY B.L.O.G. Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersa> Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Thanks for the awesome feedback mommas. I know a lot of it has to do with genetics and my mom and sister didn't get stretch marks during their pg but they didn't have two. Since we dropped a little science on the production of these kids, I figured I could only count on genes to float me so far before it's pretty much no man's land.

    We'll see what happens in the next 11 weeks. God it's going to come so fast!

  • I had no stretch marks - zero.  I delivered at 35 weeks and had boys that were 5lb, 3oz and 6lb, 6oz.  I honestly think it's genetic.
  • I didn't have any until after I delivered then I had 3 under my belly button but at 7 weeks pp, they are almost gone.  And my belly was huge so I dont know how i didnt end up with more.
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  • i got away without stretch marks but i delivered at 32 weeks.
  • i didnt get a single one. neither did my mom, not that she had twins, but it is more genetic then anything..... GL.
  • I delivered at 34w, but no stretch marks here.
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  • I had none with my singleton, but developed them around 35 weeks with my twins, delivered at 39 weeks, 4 days.  Sorry!  
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  • I think it has something to do with hormones ans how your body reacts. My mom and sister never got any, but I got my first on my hips at 10 weeks when I'd actually lost weight! Harrumph. My boys are worth it though!!!
    After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • It's all genetic.  Either you are going to get them or you're not.  I did not get one stretch mark while pg with twins and none showed up after.  
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I was completely stretch mark-free until 31 weeks.  Then...POOF!  A bunch popped out on my underbelly...
    7/2009 - Gonal-F cycle #2 with Ovidrel trigger and IUI #5 - BFP! Twin boys born at 38 weeks 3 days! 8 months later...spontaneous BFP! And twins again! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I didn't get a single stretch mark...I'm lucky!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • oh, and I delivered at 37w3d...didn't get any after either
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • i still don't have any and only have 6 days till my c section.  I am praying that I make it, however, I am not ruling anything out until after I deliver.  I want to make sure nothing pops up then that I can't perchance see with my giant tummy or that may appear. oh and I know its a big genetic thing, but my mom, aunt, cousin all got them - somehow i escaped.  Maybe Iinherited something from my dads side (my paternal grand mother has passed for a long time)
  • I got by until 35 weeks then, pop-pop-pop went the stretch marks. I am on Retin-A prescribed by a dermatologist to fade them.
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  •  I have a ton from puberty and my sister and mom got them with their pregnancies so I am screwed.  My boobs already have 4 each and one on each hip popped up last week. None on my belly yet but I am sure they will come. I am slathering on the lotion anyway.
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  • irish1114 - I LOVE that pic of your kids. They are so cute!
  • ::why did I come in here???:: Crying

    I was tore.up.from.the.floor.up! Those gals who didn't get them blow my mind. Luckybitches. 

    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
    ::where a sig pic would go if TB wasn't a d*ck::
     Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Not me! I didn't get any until the third tri but I got a lot on my stomach near the end. They've faded quite a bit though.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • my mom did not have any from all 3 of her pregnancies.

    I did not w/ DD #1 and measured 42 wks. at 38wks.

    I did w/ DD #2 at about 36-37 wks. and measured 45 wks. at 39 wks. when I delivered.

    I know I will get more this go around. I am measuring 28 wks. at only 17 wks. i hope it doesn't get too much worse though. I've stretched further w/ each baby and tend to be bigger and have bigger babies than average too so that doesn't help. No bikinis for me anymore but I'm so proud to be a mommy:)

    Caroline Faith 1.10.06, Audrey Alexis 11.1.07, Noah James & Ethan Alexander 6.17.10
  • I got them. Sorry, mama. But, honestly, they don't bother me. I have also been using Mederma's stretch mark cream on them, and wow, it's made a difference in just the month that I've been using it.
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