I just talked to my SIL. The ER doc think she might of ruptured her membrane :+(
On the untrasound the babies heartrate was good. Her fluid was a little low but the doc say nothing to be worried about right now. So now we wait. The doc said sometimes this happens and you are still able to go to term. Or sometimes the baby can look great on an ultrsound and then your body will start to reject it :+(
I told her to try not to think of what could happen and just think about being pregnant at this time. She is on strict bedrest till she goes to the doc on Monday.
Thank you eveyone for all the wonderful thoughts and prays. Hoping for good news on Monday
Re: Update to add me to the list.
? Were they not able to test to determine if it was amniotic fluid? They were able to tell me that within minutes...
Prayers for your SIL.
Im not really sure. It was an ER doc and sometimes they just dont know what test to go for. I wish she could of gone to L&D
WOW! That is a miracle. I'll have her ask that on Monday.