and I am freaking out to say the least :-) We knew there was a chance because I was on follistim for low estrogen. At my 1st u/s at 4 weeks, we saw one sac. RE said there was a still chance but after seeing the sac, I didn't think about it again....until yesterday when the u/s started and I immediately saw TWO sacs!!!
We are super excited, shocked, nervous...I am sure you all can relate to the many many emotions we are experiencing right now :-) we haven't told family yet as we are trying to get used to the idea ourselves at the moment;-)
I am looking forward to getting to know all of you!! from what I have seen lurking, this seems to be a great board!!!
Re: new here :-D just found out yesterday...its twins!
whew!! so it is doable?! lol
Goldie..I remember you from another board, did you happen to be on the tttc boards a couple years ago?
Congrats, and welcome!
There are quite a few MoMs with an older child - you'll find lots of support!