
starting to hit a wall...

ok ladies, I need some encouragement and positive stories. I really want to keep the babies cooking for at least 4-6 more weeks, but it's getting more difficult. rib pain, can't breathe, have to eat tiny meals b/c I get full so fast, tired, frustrated with bedrest, etc. I know everyone has gone through this, so please give me a pep talk!!
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Re: starting to hit a wall...

  • I wish I could offer some advice to keep you feeling sane and positive, but I have no experience (yet!).  Just wanted to give you ((big hugs)) and tell you that you're doing a great job baking those babies.  Keep up the good work, mama!  You can do it!  :)

  • I am so with you!  Everything you're dealing with, I'm feeling too.  Just keep the faith. 

    Personally, I keep reading the awesome birth stories and looking at the precious pictures of the LOs...and that is enough to put a smile on my face and help me endure it all. 

    Hang in there!!!! 

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  • I can totally relate to you. The further along I got, the more difficult it became. There is an end in sight though. I felt almost immediate relief after the babies were born. I still had a lot of difficulty due to a huge fluid gain right before they were born, but I could take a deep breath and actually sleep (I had not slept more then 2 hours consecutively for about 2 months prior to the birth). The longer they stay in there cooking the better it is for them. I looked at it like this: a few weeks of misery for you, the less likelyhood they will have to stay in the hospital once you are released (NICU). 

    I carried to 35 weeks 6 days and everyone was over six pounds and we still had to leave little Caitlin in the Continuing Care Nursery for five days after we were discharged due to developing reflux. None had NICU though but still the going back and forth especially with two home and one still there) was heartbreaking for me and made for a very difficult week constantly going back and forth. I could not imagine having to do that for longer.

    You can do it though! Just take it one day at a time and try to find anything that helps you be even a slight more comfortable or pass the time more quickly. Your getting close now, just keep thinking of those little ones inside.

  • Hang in there.  I can feel my wall coming soon too, and I'm only cookin' 2!!  I can't imagine.  But, I know you can do this - it might suck but you'll get through it.  Distract yourself in any way possible and just keep putting one foot in front of the other, if you know what I mean.  Try not to think of how much time you have left, just get through each day, one at a time.

    You can do it!

  • Hang in there.  I have no clue if this is true or not but someone on here once wrote that for every day that  you are able to carry them it would knock off three days that they would need in the NICU.  Again don't know where she got it from but it just made me realize how awesome it was for them to be in me.  Mine were born just before 34 weeks and required NICU time.  They are doing great now.

    I also felt instantly better, sure there were still a few issues but nothing compared to being pregnant with them.  

    Hang in there, you are doing so good!!!  

  • You can do it! I agree with the pp, each day you can keep them in is a huge advantage for their health.  Think of it as a short term investment with a giant payoff for a lifetime.  Also take comfort in the fact that no matter how miserable you are now, you'll forget about it when the babies are gone.  My brain tells me I was in so much pain and so uncomfortable at the end (38w2d with only 2 though!), but for the life of me I can't conjure up the feeling.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat and if I could convince my DH I'd become a surrogate.
    After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
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  • just remember...this is only temporary! every day you keep those babies baking, the better they'll do on the outside.

    just take it hour by hour, day by day.

    hang in there!

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  • I know it's hard, but try to stay positive. Just keep thinking of what a good thing you're doing for your babies. The longer you keep them cooking, the better off they'll be. Before you know it, it'll all be over and this will be a distant memory, I promise. And remember we're all here for you. Hang in there! :)
  • you can do it!

    with my singleton i had kidney stones, constant pain from the stent placed into my kidneys to keep them draining (think hard straw scraping the insides of my kidney and bladder every time i moved at all)... yet- had to get up to pee every hour on the hour b/c the stents make you have to pee even more than just being pg... and i started to get pre-E, had PTL, etc... it SUCKED - but it's all worth it to get your baby(ies) further along- i promise!!!!!

    i started to hit a wall at 28w and i only had two in there- so i can imagine you are really hitting hard!  (((HUGS))))

  • I haven't been there, but I want you to know that from my perspective you're doing so great! You're such an inspiration!  



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  • I only have two, but I am right there with you. I get tired out so easily and feel as if I am always in pain somewhere. I told DH the other day that I don't even remember what feeling "normal" feels like anymore. And sleeping is getting harder and harder.

    But we can and will get through this. I try and appreciate being pregnant since this will most likely be the only time I am pregnant I'm going to enjoy it while I can, even though its hard right now. :)

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • thank everyone!! I am going to revisit this post every time I feel like I can't do it anymore.

    and I'm with nerwak - this will likely be my only pregnancy so I do want to "savor" every moment of it. 


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  • On my bad days I have my mantra....

    just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

    I know I am not swimming but the girls are!!! Your posts always inspire me to know that I can do it. Take it one day at a time.


  • I don't post too often, but I just want to say you're doing awesome!!

    I look to this board for all the strong multiple momma's as inspiration.  You've all done so well and been so strong it gives me so much hope that me and our boys can do it too even though we're not in exactly the same situation

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  • Hey L,

    Just saw your post and just wanted to cheer you on. It looks like you are doing great and got some awesome advice. Keep up the good work! :-)


  • You can do it!!!  It is only temporary, but the health benefits for your babies may last a life time.  Just keep telling yourself that it is only temporary pain and you can do it!!!
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