
Talk about insult to injury...

I have to go in tomorrow to the RE's office for a freaking blood test to make sure I'm not pregnant. 

I KNOW it's procedure b/c I suppose its' possible I could take 4 hpts and get BFNs AND get a raging period (sorry, tmi) and still somehow be pregnant.  And they can't have me shooting myself up with all kinds of hormones if I am actually pregnant.  But really.  


Anyway, for a number of reasons, we've decided to do one more IUI.  I'm feeling better about things today and want to give it a bit more time.  I have to call my insurance co to be sure we can afford one more IUI and then an IVF is necessary; if we don't have enough left in our allowance for both, we will convert to IVF, but for now we're planning one more IUI and then one IVF if necessary.  

I have really mixed feelings about it but I also know that if an IVF fails, that's it; we're done.  In some ways I am ready to be done, but in other ways, I feel I need to keep going. 

Thanks so much to the ladies who shared their IVF experience with me yesterday and today.  I am saving those posts for next cycle if we need it.  I am inspired and in awe of what you went through to bring your babies into the world. 

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