It's been a long week! I'm ready for some "virtual" happiness!
TTC #1,
IUI #1: December 2008 - BFN
IVF #1: Microdose Lupron - July 2009; only got 1 egg; BFN
IVF #2: Natural IVF - Sept 2009; BFP!; D&C Nov. 2009
IVF #3: Natural IVF - ER: Feb 4, 2010 - 1 "M2" egg retrieved; ET: Feb 9; Beta#1 (19dpo): 2567; Beta #2: 6933; BFP w/ singleton w/strong hrtbt! DS born October 2010
IVF #4: Natural IVF - ER: Nov. 20, 2011; ET: Nov. 25, 2011; BFP! Beta#1 (19dpo): 1918; Saw hrtbt on 12/28/11!

Re: When does the bar open?
I'm standing on the stoop peering in the windows..Joy is not in..
Did she leave you the keys?
::Checks the door::
yep she left it open...come on in ladies, what will it be tonight? I am having a mich ultra..irl and virtually.
Price of drink...since the pic last week was an epic fail...price of a drink is a flame free confession..
My FFC- since DH is out of the country I bought a 6 pack of mich ultra..I may drink it all tonight because I can and it is snowing so I am not going anywhere..but I may puke
Second..DH when off his meds and now I miss sex. Yep that is right none..doesn't help he is overseas. BUt when he gets back it will be shots in the buttocks for him so that I can get some!!!
Thanks for opening the door Baze! I was pacing up and down the sidewalk and I saw you peeking in the window. . . you look so skinny!
I would like a large glass of pinot noir.
FFC: For breakfast I ate several mini-snickers from the bowl on the secretary's desk. I have been eating HORRIBLY lately. I know that is not good for TTC, but I haven't been able to help myself. . .
Red Sox, thanks for the skinny comment..
I have the perfect pinot for you..excellent year.
as far as the them. especially the small ones that fit in your mouth in one bite. Frankly, my philosophy is if no one saw you eat it then you really didn't take in the calories. Good for you! Thanks for joining me!
I would like a nice Napa cab please!
FFC: I too have been eating HORRIBLY! I don't understand what happened to my will power, but I succumbed to ice cream yesterday - Hagen Daaz cookie dough. Once I had my spoon in, I couldn't stop. Oooops.
IUI #1: December 2008 - BFN
IVF #1: Microdose Lupron - July 2009; only got 1 egg; BFN
IVF #2: Natural IVF - Sept 2009; BFP!; D&C Nov. 2009
IVF #3: Natural IVF - ER: Feb 4, 2010 - 1 "M2" egg retrieved; ET: Feb 9; Beta#1 (19dpo): 2567; Beta #2: 6933; BFP w/ singleton w/strong hrtbt! DS born October 2010
IVF #4: Natural IVF - ER: Nov. 20, 2011; ET: Nov. 25, 2011; BFP! Beta#1 (19dpo): 1918; Saw hrtbt on 12/28/11! got it..your cab is being poured now..
as far as your FFC..go with the whole pint. I am like you I can't stop at one spoonful. I wish the snow falling was actually soft serve ice cream. I would be out there all night!! Love it.
two wines and a beer..anyone else? the price is cheap really!
I'll have a few shots of Jegermeister....
FFC: I've been lurking lately and not posting.... Just not feelin like posting anything.... (as always though I have been wishing everyone well in my thoughts) Day 104 and no AF and crazy temps has put me in a mood....
Love you gals though!
Shyn..your Jeagermister is being dispensed from one of those fancy dispensers..In an ice cold shot glass just for you..
It is ok to not to post. I sort of have been in that phase for a long time..but I am glad you stepped in for a shot. I am sorry the ugly one (AF) hasn't shown her face..she must be taking a holiday. Have no fear she will be here soon.
(BTW...we should really get together..I was in your neck of the woods last night..I am open for dinner or real drinks name it. You are only 20 minutes away!)
As soon as I lose 20# I'm going to Zips! We could meet up then, shouldn't be too much longer....
Seriously..that is like a right around the are on..I can walk there from my house.
::runs off dancing::
I have a "Date" with Shyn...
I will have a white wine please.
Since the confessions seem to be food related . . . I just ate at Steak & Shake. Chili mac, cheese fries, and a vanilla coke. Yummy. This is after not being able to work out for a month because of the IVF.
I want a vodka tonic with 2 slices of lime and some olives to munch on the side (stuffed with blue cheese would be great)
FFC: My diet has also gone to crap, as has my exercise routine! I have consumed a bag of york peppermint patties (not my fault, DH brought them home to cheer me up, the brastard) and a block of cheese in the past week. My trainer even called me out (she's 24, weighs 110 and is 5'8...enough said).
I guess I need a shot of Baze's diet will power, we could call it the "Skinny Minnie".
A white wine and V&T wait for you at the bar..
Olives with Blue cheese...yummy and on my it..
a shot of skinny minnies on the house..I must warn..there are no carbs in the skinny minnie but plenty of goodness..
You bumpies are making me want to step on the scale..haven't done it in two weeks. DH usually makes me get on..He is gone so no scale for me..protein dinner with almonds for dessert though!
Holly are you ready for another glass..been a rough day! {{Hugs to You and Your DH! We all are here for you, but YOU today!!}}
I'm always late to the party.
I'll have a Newcastle Brown Ale, please.
Since we are confessing, I will also confess that I've been eating poorly. Some days are better than others, but there's just too much candy in my house. I'm a sucker for chocolate. Need a zipper for my mouth.
(After the drink though! LOL)
We had Johnny Rocket's for lunch. Yummmmmy!
I am having a Mic Light - IRL and here too!
Speaking of FF food-related C's - I had gummy bears for breakfast today. And nothing else. Lots of them. And I felt nauseous after. Truly unhealthy. Oh and I did not work out today.
Hi ladies-
Sorry for the post and run! DH and I were supposed to go to the movies if he wasn't too swamped with work. I thought he was, but he popped out of his office (he works out of our house) and said "if we leave now, we can make the movie." I jumped up and we had a fun date.
Baze, the Pinot was great - I drained the glass on my way out. . .