I am curious where your little ones slept in the first few months. DH and I have the arms reach co-sleeper but the girls don't rest well and just wake each other up. It lasted one night. So, currently we are in the living room and each girl is in the basinette sleeper attachment portion of a pack n play. It vibrates and plays music and they love it. Actually we had one and they both loved it so much that we had to get another one. So, they sleep in them and I sleep on the couch. DH sleeps in our room and comes in when it's feeding time. I am hoping to transition them out of the basinette and into the top flat sleeper part of the pack n play. We have angelcare monitors and we can't use them where they are currently sleeping. They are 7 weeks now and don't know if they will do okay sleeping in the bigger space and wondering what other MoM's have done. Can you share your sleeping arrangements and when did your LO's transition to their crib? I am hoping they will go to their crib at 3 months? I am also wondering if it's better to do a transition type of thing or just jump right in and see how it goes. Any suggestions? TIA!
Re: Where did/do your babies sleep in the beginning?
They sleep in their cribs, each in their own. I actually sleep in the nursery most nights (have a fully reclining chair in there) since it's just easier for me, feeding-wise. And, our monitor is currently out of batteries and we need to get more, LOL!
But they do fine in the big space. Babies don't "need" a small space to sleep in when they are small, bassinets are more of a convenience for parents to have them sleep nearer to them/in their room (or living room as the case may be ) for nursing, frequent wakings, whatever.
If you're worried about it, try transitioning to it during nap time and see how they do. Also, are you swaddling them? That may help them to feel more secure and comfy if you move them. But, IMO, they should do just fine in a bigger space.
Our girls share a crib at night (with sleep positioners).
During the day they either nap in one PNP (the bottom), or their bouncers.
we used 2 arms reach cosleeper minis - they never slept together. And they were STTN by 8w. they never wake each other up - even now in their room in their own cribs. They are used to noise- so one crying doesn't bother the other thankfully.
and FWIW- one night of anything isn't a good trial... babies often take a few nights to get used to anything... so i wouldn't throw out ideas after one try as you go on with parenting - give things some time.