I posted earlier this week that they wanted to put DS in the hospital to run a bunch of tests to see why he is getting his fevers.
I decided not to do it right now. We can do everything so far as outpatient. He had his EKG today and more blood work (7th round!) on Wednesday. I decided to make an appointment with the pedi. I plan on getting there early with enough time to let DS run around outside (hopefully it's warm out). Then I want them to check his temp and heartrate to see if anything is off. We have not actually done this at all through all of this.
I just have this weird feeling that what if all of this is because of his teething? The pedi said teething does not cause 102 temps, but DD had up to 101.5 with most of her teeth. DS could just run a little hotter. I don't know. I know I'm not a doctor, but I can't help but wonder.
If the next round of blood work comes back off they will want to do the 24 hour urine test to check for Wilson's Disease. The only worry we have right now is his lips turning blue sometimes when he has the fevers. There has to be a connection somewhere.
I hate that I can not be comfortable with my decision. I just do not like putting him through something so traumatizing if it's not necessary. The doctor felt it was a good choice for now, so I just need to relax!
Re: I hope I made the right decision
I must have missed what was going on?
Poor DS.
What is Wilsons disease?
I guess it has something to do with too much copper. It affects the liver, brain and heart I think. I really don't think that's it since his copper levels are normal with the blood.
He's been running fevers at night since he was 2 months old. Once he started running around we noticed he would get 102 with playing outside for 20 minutes and even after playing in the pool in the summer. The fevers come down on their own.
He's had all this blood work done and only his liver enzymes were elevated. Now they are fine. There is something else that was a little off when we went to the Infectious Disease doctor I can't remember what it was sito...plasma something.
He's had a normal MRI, liver ultrasound and chest x-ray.
"If your doctor isn't worried enough to press the issue, then your doing the right thing."
I think THIS is right on!!!