Man, I'm back on the pill getting ready for the next IVF, and it is making me loca! I've almost started crying so many times today. One of the times was because I thought I had the best job in the world. (I am a Spanish teacher in a middle school - not exactly paradise...) I don't know what the heck is going on with my hormones, but it's sort of hilarious.
Re: bcp craziness
I'm the same way. I've been on BCPs for about a week and, it's a roller coaster of emotions. Are you staring Lupron soon?
Good luck!!!
Wow, I teach middle school English and while I generally love my job, at this point in the school year any crying I'm doing is not out of happiness. . .
I'm sorry the pills are making you BSC, but I wish you luck with this cycle!
Sorry about the crazies. So I guess you decided to move forward with the IVF? Will it be in Feb or March?
Are you doing long lupron? Is that the same protocol you did the last time?
We are in a similar position. I will call to start on bcp when AF arrives in the next few days. We are meeting with the RE next week. Depending on what he says, we may move forward with IVF again in March. If after talking to him, we don't think that is the right option for us, I will just stop the bcp then. So, we may be cycling together! An acquaintance of mine cycled at the same time as me at FCI in Jan. She got a BFN too. They have to be due for some success there soon, right??!!
Oh geez. Stay away from sappy tv shows.