
I know I shouldn't let this bother me, but it does :(

Yesterday at the end of speech therapy we were scheduling our next appt and I made a comment about how Emma will be 2 then. The therapist said something about how they'll stop adjusting for age at 2 and then she'll "be behind again". I know it's not a big deal and our therapist is one of Emma's (and my) greatest advocates, but I just can't put it out of my mind. I also know that she could be delayed even if she was term, but I just hate that it hangs over us and that in a month it's going to be even worse because "experts" expect her to be magically caught up by then :(
Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
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Re: I know I shouldn't let this bother me, but it does :(

  • i felt the same way. but the more experienced "experts" are saying that most kids catch up some where between 2-5 not at 2 like previously thought. just try and focus on how far she has come. you're doing great getting her the help she needs and staying on top of her progress.

    Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
  • :( I'm sorry! 
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  • I know how you feel.  In MA they don't adjust for prematurity in EI.  I mean they do in the sense that yes your child is doing this or this based on their gestational age, but to qualify for services they go by actual age.  So last month when our boys were assessed even though they were 10 months and only 7.5 adjusted they were held to the 10 month old standards.  At this point most preemies do qualify.  I have also hear (and I work in EI) that the standard to use for catch up point is 3 years old.  So I think it just depends who you are working with.


  • I have had this exact same thought! 
    Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06 Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
  • I am with you.  Also my sons pediatrician said anywhere from 2-3 so keep that in mind.   And she isn't behind she is on her own schedule or as we girls call it "fashionably late!"  so tell them to suck it! 
  • My full term 2 yr old is behind... if that is any consolation?
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • I understand completely.  Our pedi and EI team all say they should be caught up between 2 and 3 in all areas, but that often there is another set of delays around 2 or 3 because they're so busy doing what toddlers do and that the biggest delay then is usually speech.  I keep telling myself we've come so far.  Anything else has GOT to be a cakewalk by now.  Right?
  • They had us adjust until he was 2 yrs adjusted - then he was, finally, "just 2" :-)

     Hugs though - frustrating for sure!

  • ((hugs)) I'm sorry and I can totally understand why it would bother you.
  • Robbie still has 4 months to go, but I already feel like it's looming at me.

    I mean, he's JUST catching up to his adjusted age.. no way he's ready for actual. 


  • I'm sorry.  This is looming for us too, and we are just now starting speech therapy.  All along my mom has said she's heard that preemies catch up closer to 3 (or later) than 2.  It used to really annoy me because I thought she was doubting Jake, but now I appreciate that she is more of a realist. 

    I can still feel (not just remember) the day when Jake was in the NICU and I finally realized that when he came home everything wasn't all the sudden going to be "normal," that we were going to be dealing with prematurity for a long time, perhaps always.  It sucks.

  • ((HUGS))

    I think what they consider normal for speech is totally off. There's just such a wide range. I know we're supposed to be on top of everything and watching and working with our kids but I know full-termers that were "behind" in speech but they caught up. It's frustrating.

  • We are dealing with this too but I comforted myself with this thought...C is catching up and wouldn't qualify after her birthday if the rules didn't change and I would hate for therapy to stop b/c she's making such good progress right now.  I bet E is in the same boat and both of them will stop qualifying at all before we know it!
  • I feel your pain.  Yesterday Sophie's PT said she was thinking of dropping her down to 1x a week, but then she reviewed her skills and her gross motor is still behind, even for her adjusted age :(   She's always been behind for gross motor.
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  • imagemhop:
    We are dealing with this too but I comforted myself with this thought...C is catching up and wouldn't qualify after her birthday if the rules didn't change and I would hate for therapy to stop b/c she's making such good progress right now.  I bet E is in the same boat and both of them will stop qualifying at all before we know it!

    This is a good point. I'm actually pretty sure E wouldn't qualify regardless of which age they were using if it weren't for her birth weight, I just hate hearing "behind". And it's just so weird to me that this week she was scored at 21m and in 6 weeks it will jump to 24m and she'll have to "learn" 3 months of stuff in half that time. I need to just let it roll off my back :)

    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
    Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
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