Yesterday at the end of speech therapy we were scheduling our next appt and I made a comment about how Emma will be 2 then. The therapist said something about how they'll stop adjusting for age at 2 and then she'll "be behind again". I know it's not a big deal and our therapist is one of Emma's (and my) greatest advocates, but I just can't put it out of my mind. I also know that she could be delayed even if she was term, but I just hate that it hangs over us and that in a month it's going to be even worse because "experts" expect her to be magically caught up by then
Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
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Chunky Monkey
Re: I know I shouldn't let this bother me, but it does :(
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
They had us adjust until he was 2 yrs adjusted - then he was, finally, "just 2" :-)
Hugs though - frustrating for sure!
Robbie still has 4 months to go, but I already feel like it's looming at me.
I mean, he's JUST catching up to his adjusted age.. no way he's ready for actual.
My Blog
I'm sorry. This is looming for us too, and we are just now starting speech therapy. All along my mom has said she's heard that preemies catch up closer to 3 (or later) than 2. It used to really annoy me because I thought she was doubting Jake, but now I appreciate that she is more of a realist.
I can still feel (not just remember) the day when Jake was in the NICU and I finally realized that when he came home everything wasn't all the sudden going to be "normal," that we were going to be dealing with prematurity for a long time, perhaps always. It sucks.
I think what they consider normal for speech is totally off. There's just such a wide range. I know we're supposed to be on top of everything and watching and working with our kids but I know full-termers that were "behind" in speech but they caught up. It's frustrating.
This is a good point. I'm actually pretty sure E wouldn't qualify regardless of which age they were using if it weren't for her birth weight, I just hate hearing "behind". And it's just so weird to me that this week she was scored at 21m and in 6 weeks it will jump to 24m and she'll have to "learn" 3 months of stuff in half that time. I need to just let it roll off my back
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