Just had my first u/s and we are having twins!!!! DH and I are absolutly over the moon. One sack is bigger than the other - is this typical or did anyone experience this?? Of course my RE said it was nothing to be concerned about, but want to hear encouraging stories to ease my nerves!! Thanks ladies!!
Re: Twins!!
Yep - same thing here. My RE says one guy has a bigger apartment than the other.
He said, it happens all the time... but of course I'm still worried like you!
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
congrats! Love to see other SAIF 'ers over here!
My boy's sacs were always measuring a couple days apart - totally normal - esp since they might not have implanted on the same day. My boys were 2lbs apart at birth, too.
this board is full of great info - check out the FAQ link on the top of the page (it's hard to see - right above all the posts)
congrats and welcome!
can't answer your sac question, we only had one.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
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