Would you name your baby the same name as one of yh's ex-gf's? Would it bother you? I'm at a little dilemna bc there is a name that we both like and it came about because it is mh great grandma's name...it would only be used as a middle name, and it's only part of the name.
The name is Laurencia....dh's ex is Lauren. This girl called me a b*tch. LOL
We have narrowed down our choices to Arianna and Scarlett for the first name, and Brinley and Laurencia for mn's.
Re: Weird baby name question:
My oldest has a name that was one of my DH's ex-gfs. DD's name is actually longer but the nn is the same. My DH didn't like the idea but I told him we would ALWAYS call her by her given name...not the nickname. We did until she was 10 and told us she would respond unless we called her by ther nickname, so... It's been so many years, I don't even think HE remembers the ex now.
Obviously it wouldn't bother me to use the name. It is a family name and a middle name. No big deal.