
u/s pic of Optimus Prime. :)


I had my an appointment today for an u/s, and then met with the doctor to discuss the dos/don'ts, prenatal vitamins, NT scan, etc.

Anyway, everything looks good, baby is measuring at 7w1d [I'm 7w2d based on my cycle], but they weren't concerned.  HB was 143.

We had a bit of a scare at the beginning - she couldn't find the baby but then she did.  She said she thought my c/s scar was some other marker near where they look for the baby and that my uterus is pretty anterior?  Anyway, no biggie, they found the baby shortly thereafter and everything looked good.  The regular u/s tech was out sick today, so I think that was part of the issue.  The NP doing the u/s doesn't usually do them.

Oh and they asked me about the NT scan - any thoughts on yay/nay?  We didn't do it with Jackson, but I'm not sure my doc offered it to us [I think they just did the blood tests?].  We're leaning towards yes if our insurance covers it, just for another chance to see the baby...

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Re: u/s pic of Optimus Prime. :)

  • Aw look at that little spud!!!

    I would do a scan. I didn't with DS but did with DD. I think the baby boards got me all scared and I wanted to do one.

  • You get early u/s!!

    I did every test that insurance would pay for. I had the nt test and an amnio with both pregnancies. The nt test was fun, because it's just a finger prick for blood and a detailed u/s.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • What a cute blob!  I still find it so amazing that they go from that to the kids in our siggies in such a short amount of time.

    I didn't do the NT scan either time.

  • Awesome!  What is your due date? 
  • I would do the NT.  How exciting that you saw your baby!

  • I know; I was really unsure what I would see, Lari!  With Jackson, my doctors did u/s at 10 weeks, where they look like gummy bears.

    Oh and one other thing - anyone have to take progesterone?  I have to pick up my prescription later today and take it for the next 3 weeks.  I guess it was a little low when I had b/w in January.

    And thanks 1 star wonder, I'm so hurt and upset you would DARE to 1 star my sweet little blob.  LOL, you're such a tool.  :P

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  • imageBrewster:
    Awesome!  What is your due date? 


    Same as Jackson, but I'll have a repeat c/s at 39 weeks.  My birthday is 9/10 so hopefully not that day.  I don't like to share.  We actually have a LOT of birthdays in September - my brother and grandma are the 13th.

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  • Yay!  I'm glad all is well in there!

    I didn't do the scan for either kid.  I figured, there is nothing I can do about what is going on in there anyway, so why worry myself.  I don't think you can go wrong either way, though.

  • Awww!  How sweet!

    We didn't do the the scan w/ DS1 because it was on the newer side and not something my dr really discussed w/ us.  We did do it w/ DS2 because my dr stated it was becoming the new standard of care and he highly recommended it.  I am the type of person that wants to know all I can, as soon as I can, so we did it.  Plus, it was a great chance to see the baby again..  You may even get a good guess at the sex if your u/s tech can see it and is willing. 

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • YAY!  So glad everything is good! 
  • awww! I don't think I've had a chance to congratulate you (or have I?) in any case, CONGRATS!
  • COngrats on seeing the little bean!  I would do the NT scan.  We did it for this baby and it was amazing!  The machines were so advanced you could see every little detail.  Insurance covered ours.  I wish we had done it with DS1!
    Liam is 5!
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  • I think you have, x, but I'll take it again!  :)

    MH is going to check on insurance covering it [my guess is yes, they cover like everything], and we'll probably do the NT scan.  I don't want to pass up a chance to see the baby!

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  • Congrats on seeing the baby!  I opted out of the NT scan for both pregnancies.  I was in different practices (moved to another state) and both advised against it due to my age (I'm currently 28), family history and the high rate of false positives.
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  • imagepenguingrrl:
    Congrats on seeing the baby!  I opted out of the NT scan for both pregnancies.  I was in different practices (moved to another state) and both advised against it due to my age (I'm currently 28), family history and the high rate of false positives.

    I didn't think the NT scan had a high rate of false positives?  You sure you are not thinking the quad screen?  I thought the NT was supposed to be VERY accurate and non-invasive?  I could totally be wrong though.

  • imageEMT:

    Congrats on seeing the baby!  I opted out of the NT scan for both pregnancies.  I was in different practices (moved to another state) and both advised against it due to my age (I'm currently 28), family history and the high rate of false positives.

    I didn't think the NT scan had a high rate of false positives?  You sure you are not thinking the quad screen?  I thought the NT was supposed to be VERY accurate and non-invasive?  I could totally be wrong though.

    That's what the doctor told us - the NT Scan is 90something % correct/accurate, but the quad screen/b/w is only in the 70s?  We didn't do the quad screen w/ Jackson b/c of that and the false positives, but we weren't offered the NT scan then.

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  • Your little gummy bear looks great!

    I giggle to myself every time you post about Optimus Prime.  That is what we called DD #2 for the entire pregnancy.  My grandma (who knows nothing of transformers) was so confused because she thought that was what we were really naming her but she didn't want to say anything!

  • Congratulations! So cute. :)

    I would do the NT scan. As everyone else said, it's another chance to see the baby at the very least.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Awww, that's awesome!  I'm glad things went well.

    We did the NT scan with Keira and I would do it again with any future PG's.

  • imagelizlemon77:

    Your little gummy bear looks great!

    I giggle to myself every time you post about Optimus Prime.  That is what we called DD #2 for the entire pregnancy.  My grandma (who knows nothing of transformers) was so confused because she thought that was what we were really naming her but she didn't want to say anything!

    hehehe!  We plan to tell my MIL we're naming the baby that b/c she won't get it at all... she has NO sense of humor, and it's so fun to screw with her.

    My grandma would be the same as yours though - she'd be confused but not want to say anything, LOL.

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  • imageeclaires:

    Your little gummy bear looks great!

    I giggle to myself every time you post about Optimus Prime.  That is what we called DD #2 for the entire pregnancy.  My grandma (who knows nothing of transformers) was so confused because she thought that was what we were really naming her but she didn't want to say anything!

    hehehe!  We plan to tell my MIL we're naming the baby that b/c she won't get it at all... she has NO sense of humor, and it's so fun to screw with her.

    My grandma would be the same as yours though - she'd be confused but not want to say anything, LOL.

    My grandma actually asked us if Prime was going to be the middle name or if that was just the first name.  That's when we had to tell her.  I just imagined her making the baby a blanket with that name on it!

  • If your insurance covers it, definitely consider getting it. They also do a blood test in conjunction with it to calculate your odds. I didn't have it done with my first two, but did with Callie and it gave me a lot of peace of mind. Forewarned is forearmed, after all. Also, it was really cool seeing the baby on the higher-level ultrasound and I secretly hoped they'd tell me the sex. AnneUCSB actually took a look at it and made a really good guess that turned out correct, despite the tech refusing to tell me:)
    Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Congrats on things looking good! 

    I didn't do the NT scan with any of my 4 kids.  It would not have changed my decision/ path with the pregnancy, so I opted out (with my doc's recommendation to not do it).

  • Yay! We declined the NT scan all three times. Just didn't feel necessary to us.
  • Woot! SHE is so cute, already! I'm glad things went well today, B.

    ETA: I wasn't offered an NT with P, but was with C. I was going to do it, but couldn't fit it into my schedule (they had me scheduled the last possible week you can do it and something big came up at work). However, it wouldn't hurt (for peace of mind), especially if insurance will cover it.

    Good luck!

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • We didn't do the NT with DS or with this baby, I don't like the high false rate (I know there's a better way to say that, but can't think of it.)

    Good to know the u/s went well-congrats!

  • That is wonderful that everything went so well.

    Our insurance covers every test imaginable too, but I opted out of the NT scan and I wasn't even going to do the Quad screening (I didn't with ds) and was saying no all along, but then at the last minute decided to go ahead and get it done.  


  • awww, OP is looking adorable already! we didnt do the NT scan with Ethan but I would IF we were to have another. Congratulations!!
  • Cute. The u/s is the best part of that first appointment. We haven't done any testing either time.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • Look at your little skittle! LOVE it!
  • Yay! It's so great to see that beating heart. I did the NT will #2 and #3. It's a great age to see the baby on U/S. Everything is developed, but the baby is small enough to see all of it kicking around, etc. The blood test was easy peasy. It's a very uninvasive procedure for peace of mind, IMO.

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