3rd Trimester

Decreased fetal movement at 34 weeks?

I will be 34 weeks tomorrow and have noticed a decrease in fetal movement the past three days. My LO doesnt seem to be moving as much anymore. Is this normal at the end of pregnancy or should I be concerned? I have a dr appt later today but just wanted to see if anyone else has been experiencing this as well.

Re: Decreased fetal movement at 34 weeks?

  • I'm glad you have a docs appt today, but at the same time I would have called on the first or second day of decreased movement.  Some say it's normal this time of pregnancy, others say decreased movement isn't normal, it's just a change in type of movement.  I would err on the side of caution and DEFINITELY mention it.

  • At your point it really shouldnt be less...it should just be different. LO is running out of room so movements will not be strong kicks but rather just some pushing out etc. I would definitely say call if you ever feel concerned

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  • Definitely mention it to your dr.  I mentioned decreased movement to my dr at my 32 week appt, and he sent me in for a biophysical profile, and I have to continue going once a week until LO arrives.  She's passed each one so far, but better safe than sorry. 


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  • I started noticing decreased/different style of movement around 32/33 weeks and it has continued to now and I am almost 36 weeks.  But I also started getting really high blood pressure readings around that time too. 

    I really just think it's how she is, pretty hyped up for a few days then she'll have one or two days of little to no movement.  I still will get 10 kicks in two hours which is what my doctor wants but sometimes it will take the whole two hours.  On her normal active days it might take her just a few minutes to kick 10 times.

    I still get stressed on her slower days but I go twice a week for NST and BPP just to make sure things are ok because of my high bp it has cause her growth to slide way down on the chart.  At 32 weeks she was 48th %ile and as of Monday, 35 weeks, she has dropped down to the 21st %ile.

    Definitely mention anytime you don't feel her move as much, my doctor and his partner definitely made it very clear to me that if I did not feel her kick 10 times in 2 hours for an day I was to call them, no matter what time it was, especially at this stage in the 3rd trimester.

    Sorry this was so long, good luck and t&p for you and lo!


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  • Thanks ladies. I failed to mention that this is a follow up appt for me from this past Monday when i was in the hospital for false labor. It seemed to be just a ton of braxton hicks. But i was monitored and the baby was doing just fine. In fact, that morning the nurse did mention that the baby should be moving around more, and that they were close to giving me juice to wake her up. Just then my dr came in to see me and she started becoming active again. I guess she was just asleep. But I will definitely mention it at my appt today. She is moving in different ways now as well, i get the pushing out rather than the violent kicks now. But it seems as if it is less.
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