TTC after 35

Novarel Shot

I received a Novarel shot on Jan 25th. I understand that it takes about 14 days to get out of my system. The shot caused me to have an earlier ovulation (I ovulated around day 11, instead of the usual day 14). Here is my question....will I have a shorter cycle? My AF usually arrives on day 28. Since I ovulated  about 3 days early, will I have an earlier AF? Just wondering. Also, I am so anxious to start testing....but I know it's too early.  Just wondered about anyone else's experience. The 2WW is the worst!


Re: Novarel Shot

  • Hi Can't comment on the Novarel shot. Just wanted to say hi and welcome. I am also in the 2 ww and am really trying to hold off to the AF is actually due to test. Not sure if I'll make it. Good luck to both of us.
  • Hi!

    Your luteal phase should remain the same so if you have a 14 day LP you should expect AF on or around CD25.

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  • Thanks. That helps! I appreciate the input. I wish I had known about this website sooner. What a resource....I've had so many questions answered as a result of all of my "lurking".
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