Because she can dish it out like an old pro.
DH told her to put her finger in my belly button ( hate it) and I told her not too, she turns to me and says "but it will make the baby laugh"
After dinner one night we had some ice cream. She was eating hers and asked my I wasn't eating mine. When I told her I just couldn't make it go down my throat, she took a big bite and then said "Well, it goes down my throat just fine"
These are just some things in the past week!
Is it just my little angel or is your child sarcastic too?
Re: Seriouly? When did my 3 year old get so sarcastic?
DS is the same way! He tried to hit me with a toy hammer, and when I scolded him, he laughed and said "It was a joke! Ha, ha, ha! I was kidding!"
Ok, I guess that's not sarcasm, but it drives me insane.
DS is sarcastic too. I think I've shared this story before... A few months ago I was heating up some sauce in the microwave. It blew up in the microwave. Like the idiot I am, I took the scolding hot bowl out the microwave with bare hands, which I then dropped on the floor, sauce going *everywhere*. Meanwhle, I was filling a pot in the sink, which was overflowing while I was dealing with the sauce. DS casually walked into the kitchen, looked around slowly then turns to me and says "nice job, mommy" and walks away. Whatalittleshit.