I am really struggling with BFing. My DDs are 3 weeks old and were born at 36w6d. The LC wants me to continue to feed them every 3 hours and wants me to pump after each feeding to build my supply. The babies have latch issues which has caused horrible nipple pain. The LC wants me to feed them individually until my nipples heal.
So....I wake a baby, change her, feed her, burp several times, clean spit up, swaddle, comfort, get her to sleep, do the same thing for the next baby, and then pump for about 15 minutes. This process takes about 1-1/2 to 2 hours leaving me a 1 hour break between feedings. I have a 2 year old foster son who needs attention and I'm neglecting myself - I'm not getting enough fluids, food, or sleep. I called the LC about this and was told to try only 4 pumping sessions a day. The only thing keeping me functioning is that we give the babies 2 bottles during the night so I can sleep. I'm afraid if I drop 3-4 pumping sessions, I won't produce enough for the bottles. I just don't know what to do and there seems to be no end in sight. I'm determined to make BFing work but I absolutely hate it and am just so tired. Did anyone BF? How did you make it work?
Re: BFing 3 week olds
I have latch issues w/ Emily. Isaac does OK.
To be honest, I've started pretty much pumping exclusively and feeding them both bottles b/c my battles were just like you described. And I have a 2 year old at home too. To me, pumping every 3 hours and then feeding them bottles is way easier. Not what the LC would tell you, but that's what's working for me (plus, I'm fairly successful at tandem feeding w/ bottles, LOL, so it's actually faster than BFing). At first I felt like I was cheating...but you know what? My kids are eating. And growing well. And my 2 year old is taken care of. Works for me!!
However, if you do want to continue BFing, it won't stay like that forever. I say just keep at it and w/in a week or two, they should have it down (said the girl who basically gave up). The first few weeks w/ BFing are always the hardest and then it just gets better once the babies get it. My older DS was a 38w5d baby, it took him about 2 weeks to be really good at nursing. So, maybe with 36 weekers, give it an extra 2 to make up for their most likely smaller size and it should get smoother and smoother!
Im breastfeeding and I won't lie- its hard and its wearing me out. My only comfort is that I feel a sense of accomplishment for making it this long. Oh, yeah, and providing nutrition to my babies
Here is how I do it:
1. 9 AM, 12 PM, 3 PM feedings- I do alone. So I nurse one baby and feed the other baby a pumped bottle. I feed them together. The whole process takes 30 minutes.
2. 6PM, 9 PM, 2 AM and 6 AM feedings- I nurse one baby, DH feeds pumped bottle to other baby and I pump the other breast while I am feeding. Now this is nice because I then don't have to pump separately. So I am basically pumping a bottle for the next feeding.
After the 9, 12 and 3 feedings, I do pump. My goal is to pump a bottle for the next feeding but I am also working to get an extra oz or two here and there to build up a stash. I currently have 6 bottles worth in the fridge.
I wish I had more suggestions but honestly, I think the whole breastfeeding twins is a lot of work. You are doing a great job and any amount of time that you are able to bf twins is amazing!
My girls are almost 5 weeks now and we've been exclusively bf'ing. About a week ago my nipple pain came back on my left side. What I've been doing is pumping right before a feeding and using that milk for the current feeding. It gives my left boob a break from latch issues but it's more efficient because I pump both sides at once (which is pretty darn quick) and then I can feed both the girls a bottle at the same time.
I've only been doing this 1-3 times a day (depending on activities for the day and how the girls are latching) and the pain has subsided almost completely!
Oh, I've also noticed that just pumping for the current feeding has increased my supply! My theory is that it's because the girls will take breaks for a few seconds at a time whereas the pump is continuous.
So far I have EBF the boys. They haven't gotten any bottles yet but I am counting down to 1 month when we will introduce them. It is HARD! I am tired, but so far it has been worth it. I have a pump and have used it a little to increase my supply. I had a LC come over and she recommended a hospital grade pump so that I wasn't spending a ton of time pumping. The funny thing, though, was that when I went to get the pump I walked into the store and asked for a pump, the lady asked what kind. I said I didn't know. When she asked what issues I was having I said, I have 3 week old twins and I need to boost my supply and my nipples hurt and my LC suggested a hospital grade pump. The lady replied that she had 4 month old twins that she EBF and she said if they're peeing and pooping and growing you don't need to pump. Your LC doesn't know what it is like to EBF twins, you don't have time to pump. So I took her advice and left empty handed without a pump. (I remember driving home thinking, what did I just do, my one chance to get out of the house and get this pump and I blow it.) But it is true that the more they suck the better your supply. Sucking is a better trigger for milk production than pumping.
Also, in terms of your nipples, may I suggest APNO (all purpose nipple ointment). Google it. I think you have to have your doc call it in. It is AMAZING! Before using it I felt like someone was sticking a hot poker in my nipples every time the boys would latch on. I wanted to scream. Now it is much better. Also recommend getting some gel packs, which you can use over the cream. They help the healing process.
Sorry for the long post, but I feel your pain and hope this helps.