We went yeterday for a growth scan and cervical check. The peri said this will be the last cervical check bc we are at 29w1d.
Cervix was 1.78 which is .38 longer than it was 2 weeks ago!!!!! No dialiation to meantion, last week at the OB he said it was about .5cm dialated, not that unexpected at this point.
The babies are getting big, at 25w they were 1lb9oz each and at 29w Baby A is 2lb14oz and Baby B is 2lb12oz.
The FFN test came back negative so I guess Im **hopefully** cooking these baby girls for 2 more weeks at least, hopefully more like 7 or 8 weeks. Or at least 5 weeks to 34 where my Dr feels confident.
Re: Final cervical check and FFN test results.