
Do you have any ovulation symptoms?

like cramping or anything?
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Re: Do you have any ovulation symptoms?

  • Absolutely no inkling of it.  Then again, I usually don't ovulate on my own, so maybe I just don't know what to look for.
  • I totally get twinges during ovulation on my sides. I also have a CBEFM that tells me my low, high and peak days. Prior to having it I also used the digital smiley face OPK's.
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  • I used to cramp a little bit here and there.  

    Now, on the fertility meds, I pretty much blow up like a balloon w/ bloating and the cramping lasts about 48 hours and is bad enough that I end up in bed for some of the time.  woo hoo!

  • I get bloated, have an absurd amount of EWCM and often feel twinges/pains on the side I'm ovulating (it's worse on the right).
  • I have really bad abdominal pain (more painful than AF cramps) and a pressure that hurts to sit down or stand up.
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