3rd Trimester

Anyone else have piercings below the belt??

I've had a vertical hood piercing since 2002, and my OB said I'd have to remove it at 35 weeks.  I just started getting dull pains down there, and I'm wondering if that is normal for pregnancy, or if it's because of my piercing...anyone know?? 

Re: Anyone else have piercings below the belt??

  • Hmmm, I've had some dull pains down there off and on, but I also have a hood piercing, so I guess I can't say if it's normal or not.  I have noticed, though, the days I feel uncomfortable I'm more swollen down there.  Increased blood flow?  I was told I won't have to take mine out unless I end up needing a c-section.
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  • i dont have a piercing there.... and i am a yankee fan, but i will tell you what i think anyway  =)

    i had some dull aches... in that area like little flashes, nothing major, so its prolly just things shifting around. still... if you are able to take the piercing out now might be a good idea. that way if the pains continue you can monitor it better.  hope that helps?

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  • I have a vertical hood piercing too. I asked my doctor and he told me he saw no reason for me to remove it unless it started to bother me. He did say that I would probably want to take it out for delivery but that's not a requirement. I haven't had any pain whatsoever. Is the pain in your vagina in general or is it localized to right around the piercing? Can you have someone take a good look at the piercing to see if it's red around the edges or inflamed? If it looks good then I would venture to guess it's not the piercing itself that's hurting.

    If you've had it since 2002, you should be fine to take it out and leave it out for the duration of your pregnancy and still be able to put it back in. Just be sure to put it in right after delivery because your vagina goes through a lot of reconstruction after delivery and it might close the hole up (though I doubt it).

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