My 2-1/2 year old DS talks a lot at home. He can speak in sentences and his vocabulary is great. DS's preschool teachers, however, have told me on several occasions that he is very shy and does not talk in class. When they ask him a question, he speaks in a very low tone that they cannot understand. Yesterday, one of the teachers said a child was in my child's personal space and, instead of using words, he just became frustrated and kept crying (evidently, this happened several times throughout the day).
know that all children have their own personalities, but I want my child to be outgoing enough to participate in class and to interact with others. Has anyone experienced this? Any advice?
Re: Shy 2-1/2 Yr Old
DS is shy, too and at 2.5 would not have done well at school. I waited until he was 3 and it was a slow start (he liked it but didn't participate). 6 mos later he's very into it.
At 2.5 I wouldn't worry about it, personally.
I could have written this exact post about DD. I think that we should have waited until she was 3 before putting her in preschool as I think the whole experience is a bit overwhelming for her. Her teachers have told me that this behaviour is very common at her age and children usually outgrow it by 3 1/2.