
When did you feel movement?

This has probably been asked before, and I'm sorry - couldn't figure out how to properly search and it was not in the FAQs.

I'm freaking out a little... and I'm not sure it's necessary.  I'm just over 14 weeks, and *thought* I'd been feeling movement at least a week ago.  It's my 2nd pregnancy, you'd think I'd have this figured out by now... but I don't, and for the last few days I haven't felt anything.  I'm telling myself it was just gas originally, but there's no way to tell for sure unless I go in - which just seems unreasonable!  So... When did you start feeling movement with your twins?  Particularly if they were your 2nd pregnancy.  Should I be worried?  I had weird side cramps one night a few days ago, but that went away by morning and I haven't had any spotting or anything like that.. 


Re: When did you feel movement?

  • I didn't feel anything from either baby until 19w exactly. Then I felt them both on the same day. I actually rented a doppler from starting around 16w for peace of mind. You might want to get one! :) I had one anterior placenta and the other was partially anterior (they ended up fused). That might be affecting whether you feel movement. I don't know much about second pregnancies but it's still on the early side.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I still haven't felt movement.  I had my "big" u/s today and the tech said the placenta was anterior and covered the front of the uterus.  An anterior placenta kind of acts as a pillow and blunts baby's kicks. 
    IVF #3 10/09 BFP! 12dp3dt Beta #1 = 319 14dp3dt Beta #2 = 565 21dp3dt Beta #3 = 10,475! u/s showed twins!! IVF 12/12 BFP! image Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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  • I was getting worried with this pregnancy because I wasn't feeling anything. Well not anything I could tell for sure was the twins. With my other pregnancies I felt movement earlier than I did this time. I would say I have been feeling kicking for about two weeks now. But at the same time it only feels like one of them is kicking, because it's always in the same place. But it will happen, that's the exciting part!!! Well at least for now, not so much when your farther along. Can't wait to hear when they start!
  • I felt DD earlier than I felt the twins.  I felt her around 16 or 17 wks, whereas I felt the twins around 18 or 19.

    14 wks is still really early to feel any movement, for a first or second pregnancy.  Worrying isn't necessary at this point.

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  • I'm in the same boat.  This is my second pg too, and I felt DS at 17 weeks, so I was sure I would be feeling tons of kicks by now. I swore I felt something really early, and then nothing for weeks, I freaked out.  


    I went in yesterday for my check up, and both babies are fine, they are just moer mellow than their older brother. :)


    Don't worry, I think we expect to feel a ton of movement because they are twins, but remember, they are still really small in there. 

  • Thanks all of you :)  What I really needed was that peace of mind.  When I originally thought I just had one in there, I was super laid back about this pregnancy!  I guess part of me is freaking out a little because it's twins - it feels like a whole new ballgame again and I wasn't prepared for that at all!  I really appreciate your support.   
  • I think I started feeling little flutters around 18 weeks. (I could have felt them before but being a first timer, might not have known what it was).  I feel them most at night when I'm lying down to go to sleep. 
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • This is my 2nd pregnancy and I have triplets.  Baby C has an anterior placenta.  I first felt baby B at about 15-15 1/2 weeks.  I think I have felt all three but very rarely.  Its much less often than I felt my DD.  This morning I finally started feeling the twins again and it was quite a bit of movement.  I have scans every 2 weeks and they are definitely moving in there, its just that I can't feel them.

    I'm sure your LO's are find and try not to worry!

    Love: 8/2000 | Marriage: 7/2005 | Baby makes three: 3/28/2007 | And one more makes...SIX?
    Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise. image
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