This has probably been asked before, and I'm sorry - couldn't figure out how to properly search and it was not in the FAQs.
I'm freaking out a little... and I'm not sure it's necessary. I'm just over 14 weeks, and *thought* I'd been feeling movement at least a week ago. It's my 2nd pregnancy, you'd think I'd have this figured out by now... but I don't, and for the last few days I haven't felt anything. I'm telling myself it was just gas originally, but there's no way to tell for sure unless I go in - which just seems unreasonable! So... When did you start feeling movement with your twins? Particularly if they were your 2nd pregnancy. Should I be worried? I had weird side cramps one night a few days ago, but that went away by morning and I haven't had any spotting or anything like that..
Re: When did you feel movement?
I felt DD earlier than I felt the twins. I felt her around 16 or 17 wks, whereas I felt the twins around 18 or 19.
14 wks is still really early to feel any movement, for a first or second pregnancy. Worrying isn't necessary at this point.
I'm in the same boat. This is my second pg too, and I felt DS at 17 weeks, so I was sure I would be feeling tons of kicks by now. I swore I felt something really early, and then nothing for weeks, I freaked out.
I went in yesterday for my check up, and both babies are fine, they are just moer mellow than their older brother.
Don't worry, I think we expect to feel a ton of movement because they are twins, but remember, they are still really small in there.
This is my 2nd pregnancy and I have triplets. Baby C has an anterior placenta. I first felt baby B at about 15-15 1/2 weeks. I think I have felt all three but very rarely. Its much less often than I felt my DD. This morning I finally started feeling the twins again and it was quite a bit of movement. I have scans every 2 weeks and they are definitely moving in there, its just that I can't feel them.
I'm sure your LO's are find and try not to worry!
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.