Babies: 0 - 3 Months

If you were induced...

I've got some questions.

 My due date is Feb. 12th but the Dr. wants to induce me if I haven't gone by the 9th.  I have agreed to this but would like to hear other's induction stories.

 Why were you induced?  How long were you in labor?  Did it end in a c-section?  Would you do it again?  Please tell me everything including the good, the bad, and the ugly!


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Re: If you were induced...

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    I was induced for high BP. I was in labor for 18 hours. Nope, had my son vaginally. Yes, my induction went great (other than taking really long) and I would do it again.

    IMO.. Do whats best for you and your baby. If an induction is best for you, do it! Labor can end in a c-section whether you have an induction or not. Both ways you end up with a baby! :) Good luck! 

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    I was induced with my first pregnancy and delivered vaginally after 37 hours of labor and an hour of pushing.  This pregnancy I was induced as well and ended quickly in a c-section when they discovered we had a prolapsed cord.  My labor was progressing extremely well and quickly until then.  My midwife thinks I would have delivered sometime in late afternoon (induction started at 8am) had we not needed the emergency c/s.
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    I was induced because I was past my due date.  I had an appointment at 40w5d and was sent to l&d asap because DS's heartrate was low.  I had a beautiful induction.  I arrived at the hospital about 10am on a Wednesday, he was born 5:10am on that Thursday.  The worst part for me had nothing to do with the induction...BACK LABOR!!!  The epidural did nothing...had my body shaking.  I'm not one to cry but I was in hurt so bad.  I was exhausted and fell asleep during labor.  I would only wake up to a contraction.  I don't remember anything but feeling feet removed from my vadge.  My spouse and mom said I pushed about 30 minutes.  I had a 2nd degree tear and virtually no pain after delivery.
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    Induced at 41 weeks, labored 18 hours pain-med free, ended up with an epidural due to failure to progress/exhaustion, 2 hours later had a csection due to fetal distress--LO's head was kinked against my cervix, so I labored at 9cm for 7 hours with no progress.

     Nearly done with my long-arse birth story, will post on the birth story board and 3rd tri within the next couple of days.

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    I was induced at 39 weeks for IUGR (turns out not, she was 7lbs 5oz) but the induction itself was great!  4 hours from the time they broke my water til the time she was out, needed very little pitocin, got the epi early, pushed twice and there she was!

     I'd say really the worst part was the anticipation the night before, I didn't sleep AT ALL!


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    I was induced at 40w1d due to high BP.  I was in labor for about 10 hours. I delivered my 9 pound baby girl vaginally after only 20 minutes of pushing.  I would do it again, but I do understand your apprehension about this.  I am a L&D nurse and even I was a little nervous about an induction! 
    Wife to B-2008 Mom to O-2009 Secondary infertility BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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    I was induced at 38w6d due to low fluid and low fetal activity and accelerations.  The induction started around noon, and my water was broken around 1:30.  I started pushing around 9:30, with a small break in the middle, and had my son at 10:27 pm. 

    My induction was a great experience!

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    I've been induced 2 of my 3 pregnancies (would have been all three, but DS came on his own before my induction date).  They were great.  I was induced for low fluid.  None of mine ended up with a c-section.  My first was 34 1/2 hours from start to finish, however, that is because it was four weeks early so DD was not ready to come.  My third (DD2) they started the pitocin at 8:45 am.  DD was born at 6:49 pm.  I didn't feel like I needed an epi till 1pm, had it by 2.  I would definitely be induced again.  While the delivery was a little more painful the third time (due to pulling something a few days before), my induced labors/deliveries were easier than the non-induced one.
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    I was 6 days overdue so my dr decided to induce. went in at 6am and started pitocin. broke my water at 9 got epidural at 11 and he was born at 5:26pm. So less than 12 hrs. yes, i would do it again. I was able to deliver her vaginaly.
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    I was induced because I had gestational diabetes at 39w1d.  I was in labor for 16 hrs total.  I did end up having a c-section because my daughter was face up and had her head tilted.  After several attemtps by my MW and the Dr to turn her/untilt her head [and three hours of pushing where I could see the top of her head!] it was determined that she was not going to come out vaginally!  I would like to say that I did go epidural and pain med free for the labor and I'm very proud of myself for that!  It wasn't what I expected and for me I didn't think that the pain of labor was untolerable.  Most of my labor was in my back!  I would totally do it again!  As a matter of fact as soon as I came out of recovery I told my husband, "let's do that again!"  Yes I may be crazy...  =D  Oh and for my c-section since I didn't have the epidural they gave me a spinal [not sure if that's the same thing....] in the OR and was able to run a drug through there called Duramorph which was a God send!  It's a long lasting morphine where you don't have to hit the button on the pump... the only draw back was that it made me super itchy so I was given benadryl which didn't help so they gave me Nubane and that did.  HTH!!  Good luck!
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    With DD I was induced for non-medical reasons at 38w3d. I was not effaced or dilated at all. I had an amazing experience. I arrived at the hospital at 11 pm to have the Cervadil placed; my resident wasn't the sharpest tack in the shed (but that's another story), so I didn't have it placed until 4 am. At noon I had dilated to 2 cm and was having contractions on my own. I had my epidural around that time. My water was broken and the Pitocin started soon after. It took me until 8 pm to reach 4 cm, but at 8:45 I was at 10 cm. DD was born at 8:53 pm, after only 1 push. No tearing, to problems with the baby's heart rate. It was phenomenal, and I had fewer problems then when I went into labor on my own with DS#1

    With DS #2, I had gone to my OB for m y 39 week appointment and mentioned that the baby's movement had been light that day. Since LO was flipping from transverse/breech/head-down, he sent me for a NST to make sure everything was okay. There were a few areas on the NST that weren't great, and the nurse practitioner decided to send me over to the hospital and deliver that day.

    I got to the PETU (peri-natal evaluation and treatment unit) around 3 pm; there weren't any beds available in L&D, so I had to wait for one to open up. I was 3 cm dilated, as I was at my appointment earlier that day, and I was having the same mild contractions that I had been having for weeks.

    At 6 pm a bed opened up; I got to my L&D room, and had my epidural within 10 minutes of sitting down. I was at 4 cm when my water was broken at 6:30 pm and the Pitocin was started. I was having contractions pretty much on top of one another and the baby was having decelerations in his HR from not being able to rest. The Pitocin was stopped for 30 minutes and then started again. At 10 pm I was at 5 cm and when my OB checked again at 11 pm, I was at 10 cm. I began pushing at 11:06 pm and my little guy was born at11:23 pm. Again, I didn't have any tearing or complications. My epidural wore off within a couple hours, and I was up and showered by 6 am the next day.

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    I was induced 40w + 1 day.  Induction process sucked because it failed but c section was not bad at all.  See also this discussion:

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    I was induced at 37 weeks 4 days for elevated blood pressure.  Everything was great until they broke my water and determined that I had vasa previa.  I had an immediate emergency c-section.  If things had not worked out exactly as they did we probably would have lost our little girl.
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    I was induced because I was overdue.  At my 40 week appointment, I was barely dilated and wasn't having contractions that I could feel.  I went in Wednesday at 5pm, had the cervidel (sp?) put in at 7pm.  They noticed the baby's heartrate dropped with each contraction.  At 11pm they gave me oxygen to try to help correct it, didn't work.  At 1am they gave me an IV to help, also didn't work.  At 3am they took out the cervidel, still didn't help (at this point I still hadn't progressed at all).  At 5am they came in and told me that we were going to have to to a c-section at 8:30am.  I was prepped and given a spinal block at 8:15am and DS was born at 8:54am.  It turned out his cord was wrapped around his neck 2 times and around his body which was why his heartrate would drop.  I didn't think the c-section was that bad and overall, even though it didn't go the way I had planned, my experience was a good one.  

    Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker
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    I was induced at 39 weeks.  I was dilated 3cm for a few weeks and was getting really uncomfortable, I couldn't breathe.  That Thursday was also Thanksgiving so I was induced to be home before then.  I went in at 7am, pitocin started at 8.  By 10, my MW went to break my water and it broke before she could.  By 3pm I was 5 cm, couldn't handle the pain and had my first dose of fentanyl.  Had another dose at 4:15 and 5:30.  At 5:30 I was at 10 cm and started to push and felt my tailbone break.  At 6:15 my baby's heart rate dropped and I ended up with a bad episiotomy.  A few more pushes and he was born at 6:19 weighing 9 lbs 10 oz.

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    I was induced b/c I had a small tear in my water that was leaking. They were afraid I would get an infection (which I did). I was admitted Monday afternoon, started on cervadel (sp?) till 4:30next am. Then given Pitocin at 6:30am Tuesday. By then my water still had not broken completely, so they did it for me. My contractions picked up then and I had the epi bout 10:30 am. Labored allll day till 10:30pm when I was fully dilated. Pushed 2 hours and then ended up with a c-section b/c he was way to big to get out myself. Delivered via c-section Wed at 1:25am.
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    I was induced because of pre-eclampsia. My experience was good except labor was 36 hours long. I delivered vaginally and if it was medically necessary I would definitely do it again.
    MC 4/09 at 6w2d 
    Rainbow Jude 
    born: 12/31/09
    Pre-E Induction at 36w4d
    11 Day NICU stay due to GBS infection

    TTC#2 10/2010
    M/C: 4/09/11 5w
    CP: 12/26/2011 
    CP: 1/28/2012 
    MMC: 4/16/2012 at 11w2d 
    Ectopic: 6/25/2012 MTX 07/03/12
    CP 11/24/2012 
    Rainbow Violet 
    born: 9/11/13

    All ALers welcome! 
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    I was induced at 39w5d for what we thought was a large baby. He wasn't--he was only 7lb 8oz. He had some massive shoulders, though...can't imagine what he would've done to me if we'd waited any longer!

    Started Pit & broke my water at 7 am. Got the epi at 10 (pure heaven!), and was 10 cm by 1 pm. LO was still pretty high, so we let gravity do its thing for awhile. Started pushing at 4 pm, DS was born at 4:39 pm.

    I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I had a beautiful induction--though I did start out at 3 cm/80% and having contractions (though I didn't know I was having them). It was so far from the birth experience that I thought I'd have, but I wouldn't change a single thing about it.

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    These are all great stories.  Thank you so much for sharing! 
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    At 38w we were worried about placenta breakdown (due to my diabetes.) 28h of an inductin --> 1cm. DS's HR shot up to the 170's and flatlined, confirming placenta breakdown, so I had an emergency CS. If I am high and closed at 37w for the next one, we're doing a repeat CS. I will only attempt a VBAC if I have begun to dilate to at least a 4-5 by 37w...
    ~*~Meghann~*~ Type 1, insulin dependant diabetic for 11 years using a pump and sensor. wedding countdown Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Why were you induced? High BP

     How long were you in labor? 36 hours

     Did it end in a c-section? yes but I would have had to have a csection even if I went into labor on my own because the way my pelvis is shaped

     Would you do it again? If I had to sure would but I will have to go straight for a csec next time.

      Please tell me everything including the good, the bad, and the ugly. The good was I knew when things were going to happen so I had time to make sure everything was in order at home, and our family was all there. The ugly was having my water broken it was plain sick I hated it lol. Other then that it really wasnt that bad I had medication after about 15 hours then got the epi after they broke my water at about 29 hours.

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    I was because of high BP. It only took about 8 hrs and no c-section. I'd do it again if I had but I would like the surprise of not knowing when.
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    I was induced at 39 weeks due to what they thought was macrosomia.  She ended up being 7lb 12oz.  My induction was started with cervadil which did absolutely nothing for me (i was a finger tip dilated when I went in).  Pitocin was started the next morning around 9 and I had only progressed to 1cm by 4pm.  Pitocin was stopped and a Foley bulb was inserted around 6pm.  That came out the following morning at 3am and Pitocin was restarted at 9am.  The doctor broke my water at 10am and I had my daughter vaginally at 6:21pm.  I pushed for 45 minutes.  I would do it again even though it took 46 hours from start to finish.
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    i was induced because he gave me the option. i was induced at 6 am and had her at noon. it was a piece of cake and i would do it again in a heartbeat. for me it was the way to go. i felt great after and was ready to get up and start moving right after.
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