Babies: 3 - 6 Months

paci ?

DS used to love it, now its almost like he hates it..unless he is super sleepy or in the car...anyone else go through this.. DD never rejected it so this is new to me..

Re: paci ?

  • DD is liking it less and spits it out a lot. I think its normal for some babies to self wean. My neice stopped taking her paci at 3 mos old, she just didnt want it anymore. I hope dd self weans so I dont have to worry about it later.
  • Just in the last couple days DD seems to be self-weaning. She hardly takes it anymore to go to sleep - she just purses her lips tightly closed now. Its so strange that overnight she seems to hate it. The only time she takes it is when she is overwhelmed (like at the bday party with a bunch of screaming 4 year olds today!) or when she is just suuuuper sleepy. 

    I am thinking about just putting them away for a few days and seeing if she/we even miss them.  

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  • DS never liked his :-( He prefers to suck on mommy's or daddy's finger..which is all fine and good except he likes to suck on our finger when he's in the stroller and that makes for a rather akward walk!

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