I know it's a weird place to ask, but I've never had a cyst, but I have been having these horrible pains in my uterus/ovaries and it HURTS!! it comes and goes, but is painful. I took a pregnancy test and I'm def not pg, so that's not it...
Any thoughts?
Re: Anyone know, is this a cyst?
It seems to only be on the left side. Just time makes the pain go away.
The pain is for like a minute or two and then lets up.
I've had an ovarian cyst in the past - it was a sharp, constant pain in my lower left abdomen (but you could have pain on either side). No matter what I did, I could not get comfortable - sitting, lying down in any position, or standing.
Diagnosis involved an abdominal ultrasound - the cyst was unruptured. The ER doc thought surgery would be needed, but my regular GYN doc was able to do a needle aspiration of the cyst trans-vaginally the next morning. That's right - a needle through the wall of my hoo-ha. Not comfortable, but the pain relief from having the cyst drained was almost immediate. I felt almost normal the next day.